12- I need a plan.

Start from the beginning

I really wanted the child to be ours. It will solve all my problems Onika can't deny me the right on my child and at the same time I know she will never give up on our child and will have to accept me. It will solve all my problems.

It feels wrong using my own child to get to Onika, but there is nothing I won't use or do to have her back, even if I have to take her to the court, then so be it. Moreover, if the child is mine, Onika had no right to keep him away from me.

Though, I am not a complete unfeeling bastard. . . At least not when it comes to her. The thought of having created a life together is making me overwhelmed with emotion. My child. Our child. How can Onika keep me away from my child for two years? I need answers.

But what if the child is not mine? No even the mere thought of it is painful  but I think the possibility of it is quite less because the name of the child is mentioned as Alex Coulin. If it would have been some one else's the child would surely have his father's surname.

On the other hand, if the child is mine Onika would have never named him after me. A wave of unfathomable agony squeezed my heart in its painful grip, did I treat her like that while she was pregnant? I could feel wetness in my eyes because of all the regret and guilt but along with it was a hope. . .no matter now small, it was the only source of warmth in my cold life right now. I have never wanted anything as badly as I wanted the child to be mine but my happiness was short lived.

As if Jacob read my thoughts and said. " I can see the wheels turning in your head but no Agustin, don't have your hopes high there is no way the child is yours."

I narrowed my eyes at him "how can you be so sure." I folded my hands infront of my chest in denial.

It gave me a feeling as if someone has shoot me right through my heart. The child has to be mine. It has to be.

"If you haven't read the file properly then let me tell you the age of the child is around three years. There is no way that she can be the biological mother of the child as two years back she was with you. It must be adopted."

I looked at the file closely.

Damn him . He was right. But it's better that it's adopted than being someone else's. I don't know what to do with this newly acquired information.  Back in time I would have never agreed to an adopted child. I always wanted my own child with Onika. Ours. My and Onika's.

Our own child the result of our love. But if she wants to keep the child I will allow her. Whatever she wants will go, except for her running away from me. I guess I owe her that much. I will do anything for her happiness and if that is what she wants then that is what I will do.

Before I can ponder on that thought any longer Jacob's tensed voice ringed in my ears " it doesn't end here. Look at this." He passed me another file. Jesus, What more?!

I read the file and was surprised to know she has taken a loan of 55 thousand doller from the company for Alex's medical treatment  but what was bothering me was no company lend their employ so much of money then why her. If it is what I think then Theodore Blake is in deep shit. I need to know . She is bound to the company until she pays off the debt which I guess will take around a year with her present rate of earning. A sinister smile formed its way to my lips.

Jacob looked sharply at me with narrowed eyes.

"Agustin, do not dare use these against her. Did you hear me. The only reason I had reported back to you with the information is to make you realise what she must have been though. Can you imagine how she must have felt arranging for the money for the child's treatment all alone and scared? You will not scare her again, understood? All you will do is roll on the floor for her forgivness. You getting me?" He glared at me, as if daring me to go against him.

I don't know how Jacob does this he always know what I am thinking. I ignored him, dismissing him with a gesture of my hand. Anyways what does he think I will do to her. I will never again hurt her physical.

I started formulating a plan in my head.

This means she can't leave the company and if she does then I can easily threaten her to send her behind the bars. Of course, I won't do it but she doesn't need to know that. I am sure she can't afford that having a child to take care of.

Though I pray I won't  have to do that. It would be a low blow. It may jeopardize my chances of having her back even more and moreover, I don't want to give her any more pain after all I have already done enough damage I don't need to elongate the list. I will be doomed if I will ever be the reason for her sufferings again but I need to have a backup and leverage against her.

Sorry baby I know it might hurt you, but believe me I will make every thing right with time till that I will have to use any way I can to stop you from leaving. If the child it is then so be it.

I just Can't wait to see her angelic face again. It is going be a long, long night. . .





Love, Ricky ❤❤

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