Chapter 8

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Buq woke up in the date receptor room. It was not blood around him, it was ketchup. He had tipped a botle kept nearby. Buq sat down (not on the Data decoder. he sat on a chair, thankfully) and thought about what he had seen and heard.

A few seconds later he had a full fledged plan. He took the ketchup bottle, spat into it and quietly opened the ceiling panel, put the spit ketchup in a pipe and closed the panel shut.

Then he made a small fire by matchsticks kept conveniently next to him. This led to to the fire alarm sounding and water sprinklers on the ceiling opening.


Buq ran from the room to the main hallway where all the goats were wet with ketchup stained water (and a bit of Buq's spit).

Only Rossie was bleating on the ground. Buq pointed his finger at Rossie and shouted," she is a Llama."

Naturally, everyone freaked out. Prog looked at Buq for confirmation and Buq nodded. Prog ran around screaming.

Goatee took of Rossie's clothing and underneath all the full body coverage make up, she was a llama.

"How did you know?" asked Goatee.

"Goat spit smells horrible. Whoever was not used to smelling it would react."

Rossie screamed," You are fools. Llamas are not monsters. It is the Alpacas who are eating all the grass and destroying the fields."

Buq's heart pounded, what if Rossie was correct. What if the llamas were not the bad guys? What if the alpacas were the bad guys? 

The goats were not armed for alpacas, they didnt know about alpaca weaknesses. Who knew....maybe as Buq thought all these thoughts he was thinking, somewhere the alpacas were laughing at the foolish goats, who had failed to acknowledge the real enemy......

A hundred feet above the ground, right over the G.O.A.L. base camp

"Ms. Alpacashew," said the alpaca with  gorgeous orange fur, thoughtfully stroking his beard with nicotine stained fingers.

"Yes, Mr. Alpacaramel, what is it?" Ms. Alpacashew replied.

"We are lucky that the goats believed that its the llamas who are bad and not us."

Ms. Alpacashew smiled ."Drop the poisonous weed bomb."

The bomb fell and boomed, the alpacas flew off in their jet, whooping with happiness. You may ask, how did they know where the G.O.A.L. base camp was. Maybe, just maybe, there was a spy. That is just the thing about war, never trust anyone. NEVER.

Back at the G.O.A.L. base camp. (a few minutes later)

All the goats and Rossie were dead due to a bomb that had striked. Prog got up from the floor and dusted himself.

 Just before leaving the base camp he said," I was the perfect spy. No amount of weed could have killed me. After smoking grass for ten years straight, I was the perfect druggie/spy for the alpacas because I would not die if they bombed the base with weed."

He stands over the bodies of the goats and the one llama and roars with laughter. Finally, the ending the alpacas deserved. 



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