“It’s almost 5, He’ll be here soon!” Mollie said and threw a pair of shoes at me. 

“Mollie!” I yelled, If I got hurt from her throwing objects, this celebration will not happen. “It’s a little get together with a friend, not a date.”

“Not, actually,” She turned to me, “You both like each other, therefore it’s a date.” She stated the facts and went into my bathroom. 

I sighed and sat down to brush my straight hair again, I seemed to do it when I was bored. 

I placed the brush down on my vanity and picked up some sun glasses from last summer. I slipped them on and decided to wear them. 

“Those are nice.” Mollie commented from the window, where she was watching like a fucking hawk for Harry’s car. 

I thanked her and put the shoes on when she told me he was here. She went out of my room to answer the door, since My mom and Kate were not present. I sprayed some perfume and grabbed my small clutch, went out of my room and down the stairs. 

Harry looked fine as ever. His black jeans were tighter than mine, I guessed, but he looked nice in them, accompanied with a low cut grey shirt. 

“How long are you going to stare?” Harry laughed, and so did Mollie.

“It was only for like,” I guess, “4 seconds!” 

“Yep,” Harry laughed, “Now come on love.” 

I followed Harry out to his shiny car and waved to Mollie, who drove away in her own car. The radio was on and the car was warm, It was comfortable. 

“You look very nice.” Harry told me, keeping his eyes on the road ahead of us. I was about to tell him the same, but he stopped me, “You don’t need to start on how good I look, by the way you stared I could tell what you were saying.” He smiled. 

“How do you know that I wasn’t actually thinking about how much I despised it,” I laughed, then poked his arm, “Or how I thought these were my jeans at first because they are so tight.” 

Harry laughed, “They are comfortable!”

“You’re legs beg to differ.” I laughed, “They can barely breathe!”

Harry shushed me and turned up the radio, a song we both liked was on. Hopefully the music would keep me quiet for the next hour.

My phone vibrated in my lap and I pull it up to read the message, from Mollie. 

I nearly chocked at the message he sent, and I blushed eve though it was Mollie I was talking to. 

‘Don’t get mad, but if you find condoms in your clutch you can thank me xxxxx’


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