Chapter 7

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“Did you see how blue his eyes were.” Mollie squealed over the phone while I was deciding whether to throw the phone out the window or continue to listen. “And his smile! Monica are you listening.”

“Mhm.” It comes out awfully rude but she needs to get it though her pretty head that I don’t care - and I never will. 

“Okay good.” She sighed as I closed my Spanish textbook. Sure, Mollie think that the guy is hot, and I’m not disagreeing, but damn does he give a lot of homework. 

“Can I copy your physiology homework?” I ask confidently for probably the millionth time. She says yes nonchalantly, as she was probably day dreaming about him just like she was drooling over Harry not to long ago. Its a repeating cycle.  

Down stairs I heard a door slam, and I looked at the clock to see it only 10 at night. My mom’s home early. “Mollie I have to go.”

“Why. I thought we were going to work on our bio project?”

“My mom is home early, you know how she is.”

We hung up and I cracked open the door to see if my mother was dragging herself to room yet. She wasn’t so I opened it wider and stepped out. I tip toed down the hallway, stopping at the top of the stairs.

“Mom?” I asked out, peaking around the stairs towards the light coming from the kitchen. “Kate?” 

I slowly walked into the kitchen, slowly because I would never know if my mom decided to throw another wine bottle at me. But it was the opposite. 

There she was in front of the alcohol cabinet. I was 5 feet away from her and the stench was stronger than ever before. I remember he leaving before I left for school, she must have been drinking away her life all today. 

She was pale, white as snow, and her veins were a dark purple throughout her body. 

I shook her shoulders, “Mom, You need to get in bed.” Her eye lids weren’t quivering like they normally would. She was still, all muscles paralyzed. “Mom.” 

My finger lead down to her neck, just below her jaw to find the beating source of her heart. I couldn’t find it, I moved around. My breath picked up as I started to panic. I dropped her cold hand to the ground as I ran to the phone dialing in the emergency numbers as tears rushed down my face. 


“So she just came home like that?” The man held a tiny note pad and was dressed in police attire, and I might add he was overly sarcastic and rude.

“For the 5th time, yes.” I crossed my arms to try to stop myself from shaking. I couldn’t tell if it was from being shaken up from the events that happened, or if it was simply the frosted weather from outside and me not wearing a sweater. 

He sighed deeply as he closed the notebook. My eyes looked into the hospital room where my mother was laying. A simple needle was going into her left arm, but a tube was leading into her stomach.

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