First smile

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Liam- you and Liam were in the lounge room with Paisley, she was about 6 months old now and was working on sitting up, you had her on her back and she was rolling over to her stomach, you kept on aplauding her, she eventually sat up and you clapped your hands, Liam smiled at her brightly.
You were playing with a doll with Paisley. You gave up on trying to make her smile and decided to feed her. She's gotten to the age where she can feed herself, you placed her in her high chair and placed a bottle in front of her, she took her small hand and picked up her bottle and started drinking, you heard Liam walking into the kitchen, suddenly Liam sat on your lap, he started making funny faces, Paisley placed her bottle down and her lips started to twitch a little bit, and suddenly a wide smile made a way onto her bright little face, you squeaked "OMG LI SHE SMILED" you exclaimed smiling.

Louis- Louis had been trying to make the triplets smile for the past week, he was currently in the lounge room and the kids were on the couch whilst he was on the ground in front of them, he was tickling Sophie's feet and she was just staring at him, you were next to him playing with Nathan's toes, Louis sighed and admitted defeat, you sighed and rested your head on Louis' shoulder, you smiled as you got an idea, you stood up and walked over to the fireplace and picked up a photo of you and Louis on your wedding day. You showed it to the kids and Sophie cracked a bright smile, Louis looked up and almost died which caused Nathan to smile and you hugged Louis and stuck your tongue out at Jonathan which made him smile. You loved them so much.

Harry- harry has been making Tahlia smile every day. But You just happen to not be there, you made your way into Thalia's room and saw her playing with her teddy bear, you lifted her up in your arms and kissed her pudgy cheek "morning baby girl" you said and made your way downstairs and you placed Tahlia in her high chair and gave her a bottle, you made you and Harry some breakfast which was waffles, you walked back upstairs to wake Harry up, you shook him back and forth and he finally woke up.
You made your way back downstairs and into the kitchen to eat, Harry kept on making jokes. The next morning you woke up and Harry was still dead asleep, you walked into Thalia's room to see her awake again "hi baby" you cooed and you saw her mouth twitch upwards, you picked her up and kissed her cheek and she smiled before hiding her face in your neck.

Niall- making the twins smile was easy as Niall was always making little jokes which made you laugh which the twins were happy about, you were all out the back and the twins were strapped into their little swings and you were lightly pushing them, every time they would swing towards you, you would grab their feet and tickled them, you lightly pushed Cian back and forth, Niall was pushing Declan and you smiled at the father-son bonding.
After a while the twins got tired so you put them down for a nap, you and Niall got up to some 'fun' (wink wink nudge nudge;) ) after about an hour you walked back into Te twins room to see that Declan was awake and smiled at you brightly, you saw that Niall had entered and picked up Cian, Cian smiled brightly, your adorable little family.

One direction baby series (COMPLETED 2/7/17)Where stories live. Discover now