Chapter 1

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When I woke up it felt like I was on a cloud. This bed is so comfortable.



I opened my eyes and looked around. Darkness surrounded me but even in the dark I could tell this was definitely not my room. I got up and walked to the door, looking out it I realized that I was upstairs somewhere. I also realized that I was no longer in the abandoned house, this place is actually pretty nice, but just because it is nice doesn't mean I want to be here. I decided to walk down the hall and see if I could figure out how to get out of here. At the end of the hall was a set of stairs, I was hoping they would take me to a door. I walked down the stairs, trying not to make any noise. When I finally reached the bottom I spotted a door, it seemed almost too whoeve kidnapped me wanted me to be able to leave..but whatever, I need to get out of here. I went to open the door but it slammed shut right after. Someone was behind me and they were holding it closed. "And where do you think you're going?" he asked. I turned around so I was facing him, it's the guy who kidnapped me.

"Home." I spoke but my voice came out shaky and I sounded unsure of myself.

"Is that so?" he asked.

Okay this might sound delusional but he isn't too bad looking. Wait what? No. This guy kidnapped me. Snap out of it.

"Yeah." I stated looking at the ground.

"Wait, can I get your name first?" he asked. Should I give him my real name? No don't be ridiculous, fake name it is. but I spoke without thinking

"Alison." Shit! I just gave some psychopathic creep my real name.

"Carter." he stuck out his hand and I paused for a minute before shaking it, unsure of what was even happening.

"Okay, can I go now?" I asked

"What's the rush, babe?"

"First, don't call me babe. Second, what's the rush!? You kidnapped me! I don't exactly feel like staying with you and chatting right now!" I pretty much yelled.

"I don't like your tone." his expression changed, his eyes darkening. It was like he became a whole different person.

"Well whatever. Just, let me go." I said.

"You don't tell me what to do, got it? Now go."

With that he let me leave. What the actual fuck!? He just kidnaps me then let's me leave!? I got about halfway down the road before realizing that I have no clue where I am or how to get home. Soon headlights came into my view. "Hop in babe." he said rolling down the window.

"What makes you think I'm just going to willingly get into a car with you!?" I asked.

"Well, its two in the morning, you're probably not familiar with this part of town, you could easily get killed out here, and you probably don't know your way home. Would you like me to go on or do you get the point?" he asked.

"I could easily get killed out here?" I asked sarcastically. "Because you couldn't easily kill me?"

"Fine, but good luck getting home." he said starting to roll up his window again.

"Wait. I'll get in." I sighed

So I walked to the other side of the car and got in. I know I'm being stupid but honestly whats the harm? I need a ride and he would have hurt me by now if he really wanted to.

"Okay where do you live babe?" should I tell him my address? or just have him drop me off down the street from my house? Without thinking I told him my address. Shit! What is wrong with me today!?

We drove for a while before finally coming to my house. "By the way, you are really good in bed." he said, winking. Did I got out and walked in to my house, luckily my parents were already in bed so I didn't have to answer questions about why I was home so late.

I went straight to my room and laid down. I couldn't fall asleep though, I mean.. how does one fall asleep after something like this happens?


My normal every day life went on for about a week, a whole week of everyone thinking nothing happened, a week where I had to pretend like everything was okay when in reality nothing is. But, it was also a whole week with no Carter so I guess that's good.

After school today I decided to go to the park, I go there a lot actually. Ever since they opened the new park down the street not a lot of people go to this one so its a peaceful place to come and clear my head. I laid down on the old bench and grabbed my headphones from my bag, plugging them into my iphone and turning on The All-American Rejects I closed my eyes. My music wasn't too loud so I could still hear it if someone tried to talk to me or something but that usually doesn't happen anyway. I thought I heard a noise though so I opened my eyes and looked over at the parking lot. A car screeched to a stop and I sat up, even though I have horrible vision and it was kind of far away I could tell who it was immediatly.

It was a red Lamborghini.

A car I hoped I'd never see again.

Carter's car.

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