|56| What Have I Done?

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I knew it...

I knew Nicole would disobey me and try to come handle this herself. I knew she would want to be the hero of the day and now the situation is way worse than it ever should've been. Now, I'm sitting here, tied to a chair with a bandana tightly tied around my mouth and a gun pointed to my head by one of Sylvia's workers. On the T.V screen, I watched the cops and the S.W.A.T teams going on a catastrophic high-speed chase on the news channel. And I knew exactly why.

Sylvia was looking outside through her blinds. I recognized a few of the armed agents that were guarding her house with their weapons drawn.

"Come out with your hands up!" one of them demanded.

She closed the blinds and marched over to me with tears in her eyes, "You liar!" she slapped me hard across the face with her nails scratching me as her hand came across. "You said you wouldn't tell anyone at your stupid headquarters it was me... You promised you wouldn't tell. Now we're both going to die because of it!"

I looked at her angrily. I wanted to tell her that none of this would've been happening if she'd just stay out of my life but I couldn't. My mouth was tied shut.

"All I wanted... Was to see my only baby... The baby you took from me!" she looked back at the T.V, "She's out there, isn't she... You put her up to this, didn't you..."

I could only glare.

"Maybe I could convince her to come back and we'll be one big happy family again..." she smiled to herself, twirling her hair. She then wiped away a tear and added, "With you as my husband... And Sasha with us... Under the same roof... We could make millions."

"Really?!" I tried to say but it was muffled.

"What was that, Simon? You have something to say?" she gently removed the bandana to hear me.

"Is this what it's about?!" I spat. "You just want to be a millionaire? You're despicable."

She frowned, "It's not just the money... I love Sasha-"

"No, you don't! You never did! You just want to use her in your foolish shows and help you commit crimes to take from people just to make your life better-"

"SHUT UP!" She slapped me again. When my head turned, I caught a glimpse of Lady Dream mouthing, "Getting you out" to me. Sylvia then yanked my face back, "How dare you talk to me that way. How dare you think so low of me, Simon!"

She shook her head and released my face before heading to the kitchen, "You should be the one the cops are after."

She shuffled around through some things until she came back with a long scarf in her hands, "You stole from me, Simon... This is all your fault, Simon. Hell, if you hadn't shown up to my show a while back, I wouldn't have found Sasha."

I dropped my head and gazed at the ground. She was partially right about that. But what I didn't understand was, "How did you even know it was her?"

She wrapped the scarf around her head so that her eyes were the only things that were visible, "Julius... He sort of led me to her."

"Who's Julius?"

She rolled her eyes, "He could've been my son... He works for you and your silly team."

Jaden... I remember Nicole telling me how she named him Julius now.

She went on saying, "Sweet Julius helped my soon-to-be daughter run away without even giving her the chance to get to know me. So Freak Show, disciplined him and one of Julius' ear thingies fell out and I heard it... I heard Sasha."

She walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders, "Her voice... She sounded so protective, so strong, so... Lovely... So I asked Julius about her and he told me some things. That's how I knew for a fact it was her... My original baby."

I glared at her, "Did you leave out the fact that you harassed him into telling you?"

"I didn't harass him... Just... Made him talk." she untied the rope around my body, "Moral of the story, I want my Sasha back and I'm going to get her back. You'll either live and marry me or die with a dirty conscious."

She forcefully hooked her arm with both of mine from behind as if I were a human shield and yanked the gun out of her partner's hand, "I suggest you make this easy for yourself."

I groaned as she pushed the end of the gun tightly to the back of my head and led me towards the door.

"Sylvia... Don't do this." I breathed out.

"Open the door."

"This isn't-"

"OPEN THE DOOR!" she screamed, making me jump.

When she freed one of my arms, I reached out and opened the door as she led me out. I could feel her hands shake as she held the gun on me.

Please don't pull the trigger.

"Put the man down!" One of our agents yelled.

"Hands in the air, now!"

"Put the gun down!"

She only kept walking and yelling back at them, "One step and he's dead! Stay back!"

When we got to her car she instructed me to open the door, "Get in quick on my count." she whispered.

I nodded, feeling my stomach turn in fear. She's going to get us killed.

"Ready... NOW!" she shoved me in the car and ran around to the driver's side.

Gunshots fired suddenly and I ducked low so I wouldn't get hit with one.

"Simon, get out of the vehicle!" one of the agents demanded.

Just as I tried to leave, Sylvia already climbed in and started her car, backing up into the agents with her vehicle.

"I should've blown up all of your HQs when I had the chance!" she rammed the car over some of them then sped off into the road.

This is going to be the end...

I put my seatbelt on and watched the blur of buildings and trees go by as we began to speed away at an overwhelmingly fast pace.

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