Been Here All Along, So Why Can't You See?

Start from the beginning

"Enough about me, how's your love life? I am seriously surprised tat no guy has made a move on you. You are great and you deserve someone who loves you and makes you happy. And I heard that Ronnie Raymond has a thing for you," Barry asked. Why does she always do this? Caitlin thought to herself. Through their friendship over the last three years, he has often said and done things like this. Enter her personal bubble like just friends don't do and say things like this and call her beautiful a lot. It always confused her and she had no idea when he always crossed these lines when he had a girlfriend. Granted that this girlfriend was one that treated him awfully and everyone knew it, even if knew it. But still.

Not to mention, the heartbreak she felt when he said she deserved someone who loved her and made her happy because she loved him and he makes her happy and he has no idea. Not a clue. Why was her life so complicated? Why does it suck so God damn much?

"Oh...I didn't know that. He doesn't interest me though. No one really does. But I will... uh find the right guy for me one day," she lied nervously. Did he really have no idea that he was the one she loved? That he was the right guy for her? 

"I told you I am surprised you're single. You are beautiful, smart, nice, kind, funny and... you are amazing, Cait. You really deserve someone amazing who will treat you right," Barry replied, taking her hand making butterflies fly all over her body. Once again she cursed herself for getting so worked up and flustered at his words; he was only being nice.

"Thanks... and so do you. If she makes you so unhappy why do you stay with her?" Caitlin asked, still blushing crimson red.

"Honestly, I don't really know... I guess some part of me hopes that she will change. I can't even remember the last time I actually felt happy with her. Actually, genuinely happy. Like when I am with you, you make me happy but she just doesn't. I don't even think I have feelings for her anymore. I guess I am hoping that we can go back to the way it started. Not that the way it started lasted for more than two weeks. After that, it all when downhill from there. You saw what happened. Maybe... maybe I should break up with her but every time in the last few years when I have come close I just got scared and backed out. I don't know why. Maybe just... what happens to me if I break up with her? Where will that leave me? We've been together for so long that I don't really know what I would do with my life if we broke up. I don't know, am I even making sense right now?" he explained, stuttering quite a lot. It always made him feel better with Caitlin listening to his problems. She always seemed to understand and help.

"Well, you have me," she replied timidly, shying her eyes away to the ground.

"Yeah, I do. You mean the world to me, Cait. I don't know what I would do without you. I know that you will be here for me. I always feel bad loading all my problems on you, you know. I feel like I need to help you more with your stuff. So if you ever need me, you know I am here right? I just feel like... I feel like you do so much for me and I never repay you. If you ever need me for anything, I will be there in a flash. Doesn't matter what time or day, I will be there," 

She smiled as he finished and they found themselves outside Caitlin's house, awkwardly looking at each other neither sure what to say.

"Sooo... I should probably go but I will pick you up for school tomorrow okay," Barry said before kissing her cheek and walking away leaving her blushing like an idiot.

Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her keys from her pocket and opened the front door, entering the house.

"Hey little sis!" a female voice greeted.

"Ah!" Caitlin screamed. "Selina! You scared the hell out of me," 

"Sorry sis," Selina replied with a smirk. Her long now red hair, which it seemed she had dyed again, was tied in a bun. "Why don't you just tell Barry that you love him?"

"You know why, Selina," Caitlin replied.

Selina Snow was Caitlin's older sister who was now in college and had dropped in for the day. The two sisters were very different but still got on well. Selina was the only one who knew about Caitlin's pining for Barry and love for him in the whole world other than obviously Caitlin herself. Of course, Caitlin had not told her she figured it out from the way she acted around him when he came over all the time when she had lived here.

Selina was the most popular girl in school and when Caitlin joined for her freshman year everyone wanted to be her friend because she was related to the infamous and beautiful Selina Snow. But Barry was the only one who wanted to be her friend because she was Caitlin and not Selina's little sister. There was only one year between them but they looked quite different. Selina had dyed her hair so many times that you wouldn't know that they were related and her current bright red shade did suit her. But so did all the colours. She was simply a stunning girl.

"I know, sis, I know. Okay, why don't you go put on some rom coms on your TV and we can go cry over them with some chocolate. It never fails," Selina suggested. Caitlin rolled her eyes but did what she said anyway and went up to her room. 

She turned on her radio and grabbed her guitar that was sitting on her bed. Caitlin learned how to play a few years ago just because she was bored over one summer and decided to learn. She recognized the song on the radio as Teardrops On My Guitar by Taylor Swift.

Knowing the song, as she's played it and sang along to it so many times in the last three years, she began to play and sing along with her guitar and voice. The song felt awfully fitting as it seemed to mirror her current situation so much. The song had hit her heartstrings so much that she ironically she noticed tears start to manifest on her guitar. She couldn't help it, despite it being so cliche, if only he knew. Maybe it would make life better but what if it made it worse. What if he hated her and never wanted to see her again?  What if it became really awkward between them if he didn't feel the same way about her?

Life was so confusing and it didn't help how he acted around her. The things he said. The things he said about her being so amazing and beautiful and kind and everything... kissing her cheek and holding her hand. Just friends don't do or say things like that. It was like the lines were blurred between what they were. They were only friends but often they would act like a couple. People had even asked them on multiple occasions, their parents, friends, even complete strangers whether they were a couple or made a comment on it. 

If everyone else could see how she felt then why couldn't he see it? 

"Sis, don't cry. Why don't you just move on from him if you can't tell him?" Selina walked in seeing her tears.

"Don't you think I have tried to get over him and move on? But I can't. We spend almost all of our time together, how can I make my feelings go away for someone when you are always together? I love him too much to move on. I can't just stop caring and stop loving him when he is so unhappy with her when I know that he deserves so much better than her. When I wish I was her," Caitlin replied, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.

"Come on, I brought many movies that we can watch all day and all night. Mom and dad won't be back until late and I ordered up some pizza but I also brought lots and lots of chocolate and ice cream. I know that this will make you feel so much better," Selina comforted, sitting beside her sister and turning the radio off and replacing in with the TV after placing in P.S I Love You.

Hours past and the sisters had got through about five movies by now and had eaten so much food and chocolate that they would need a trip to the gym to work off all the calories but Caitlin still did not feel much better about her current unfortunate situation.

"If you were me, in my position, what would you do?" Caitlin asked, turning over onto her side to face her sister to hopefully get a serious answer to truly help her and advise her on what to do.

"Well, if I was you I would just tell him and see what happens. You said yourself that she makes him really unhappy and you can treat him better than she ever has. You never know, he might feel the same way and he might be just as scared as you are to say anything. I have seen you two together and you really have something special. Personally, I think he feels the same way about you and maybe he just doesn't realize it yet. But if you truly love him then you have to try, Caity, you can't let him slip through your fingers. Because even if he does by some miracle break up with Iris what if he dates some other girl who is great and treats him right? What will you do then?" Selina replied.

Caitlin thought about it for a moment. She couldn't let that happen but she was still scared. It was at least something to think about...

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