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Daniel James Howell was a sweet boy who liked to wear pastel clothes and flower crowns. Because of that they said he was pastel. He didn't really care what they thought of said.
He has had a really big crush on one of the most popular kids in school for a while now.
He was an outcast but still had his best friend, Louise. She would never leave him. And then there was always   his friend Pj too.
Dan liked to draw. And the thing he drew the most was his crush. Under every drawing he puts a quote.

Philip Michael Lester was one of the popular kids. Everyone liked him. They called him the sexy punk for unknown reasons. Just because he has piercings, some tattoos and likes to wear black, doesn't mean he is sexy.
One day he found a book on his usual spot in the art class. A book filled with drawings. A book full of little quotes. But also a book without an owner.


This is my first Phanfic. I hope you like it. I don't think it will be very long. I hope you all like it.

I make mistakes while writing. My autocorrecte is an ass. Just deal with it.


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