Niall's mouth dropped open.

"Wait a minute, Louis," Zayn interupted. "You have to respect Niall's decision. It wasn't fair to make him choose a-"

"And blah, blah, blah," Louis childishly finished. Niall thought Louis had finally snapped. "Niall, just choose all of us!"

Louis looked Niall straight in the eyes, the other boys turning their gaze to the mostly brunette as well. Niall felt his face go hot, as well as his ears. Niall didn't mind not having to suggest the idea first, but somehow the decision still ended up being his.

"Uh. . . I- yes," Niall fumbled over his words before finally blurting the word that could potentially unlock the beginning of the end.

"See! You should have just said that from the start," Louis chided before bringing the small boy to his chest in a hug. Both short boys looked to the others expectantly, Niall a little more apprehensive in his gaze.

Zayn raised a brow to Liam and Harry before shrugging his shoulders and crawling over to join the hug. Harry and Liam soon followed afterward, and Niall couldn't help the relief that flowed through his body. He felt himself sag against Lou's chest and closed his eyes, falling to sleep just like that.

It left much to be desired for the rest of the boys as they gazed at their shared love, wondering how he even survived for as long as he did by himself.


When Niall opened his blue eyes, he wasn't surprised to see the familiar grey ceiling above him. The bed he was lying in enveloped him in a softness he wasn't accustomed to. He tried to turn on his side but four pairs of heavy arms seemed to weigh down on him. Niall was stuck.

"Zayn," He whispered, knowing said boy was usually up in the early hours of morning. He smiled seeing amber eyes reveal themselves, a foreign joy flooding his system and making his heart beat faster. Their eyes connected, and it was like they were both caught in a trance.

Niall wondered why he couldn't look away; he hadn't ever stared into someone's eyes this long before, but Zayn's were so gorgeous. As well as everything else Zayn possessed. Niall could only hope Zayn was studying his features just as intently.

Before Niall could say anything else, Zayn was leaning closer to his face and connecting their lips gently. Niall felt himself blush but nevertheless leaned in closer too, doing nothing more than pressing their lips together. Neither of the two felt like giving the other boys a show.

They pulled back, Zayn sporting a fairly wide grin that caused crinkles by his eyes, and well, Niall thinks his heart stopped for a moment. How had he not noticed something so magnificent before? What else had he missed from the other boys?

Niall went to say something again but stopped himself when dread settled in his gut. He wasn't sure why, but something felt odd all of a sudden. Call it his belated intuition kicking in, but Niall could tell something bad was going to happen. Everything was going too smoothly lately - life doesn't work like that.

He began to grow restless and eventually shimmied his way out of the boys' grasp with a little bit of help from Zayn. He rolled his shoulders from having slept in one stiff position and wobbled in his usual fashion to the stairs leading to the roof; he felt like being on the look-out for his imaginary threat.

The climb up the stairs was a long one, Niall's wrapped ankle pulsating from being jostled by the swaying motion of the mostly brunette wobbling up the steps. The sun blinded him when he got on the roof, but it didn't deter him from grabbing his bow and arrows and settling against the ledge. He had brought binoculars from the hobby store and was looking through the lenses to scan the bits of field he couldn't see with the naked eye.

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