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Rose: here I am in your life

Olivia: oH shit biTch!

Olivia: here you are in mine!

Rose: yes, we have the sweet life

Olivia: most of the time....

Rose: you and me got the world to see

Olivia: so, come on down

Rose: its you and me, and me and you

Olivia: we got the whole place to ourselves

Rose: this is he sweet life

Olivia: we got the suite life!

Rose: oh my sweet Esteban Juli Richardo Montoya De La Rose Ramirez!

Olivia: oh my child, Mr. Moseby!

Rose: I don't understand

Rose: how do people even talk to us ?

Rose: we're too wild for humanity

Olivia: you've got that right

Rose: let's just hop no one goes through our messages and sees these texts

Rose: that'd be....

Rose: hard to explain.

Olivia: you got that right, Esteban Juli Richardo Montoya De La Rose Ramirez.

I little peek into Olivia and Rose's friendship

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