Chapter 2 - My Second First Record

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"Hey, Marlin. You won't believe what happened to me today. I went to my uncle's studio today and was actually allowed to record a song of mine. But there was no other possibility than to move our plan to another day, cause Beyoncé wanted the studio on the next day. Well, anyway, I got to know a band which was just working at the studio today and the lead singer is just so cute. I don't understand anything anymore, cause he has to be like 30 or something and that would be twice my age, but I think I got a crush on him. We spent around five hours together today and I just can't believe it. I think I'm falling in love another time. If we would just see again."


I couldn't believe my luck the next day. My uncle asked me if it would be ok to just go into another studio. It doesn't have to be the best for me as it's only my first record, so i agreed. When we were walking into the hall, guess who was standing together on the left of the still impressing hall. Nate with his 'Homies' Jack and Andrew. I immediately smiled and asked Louis if I could just walk over to them and he followed me.
"Hey, you guys", I said and they turned around.
The all greeted me, too, with a big smile on their faces. Nate hugged me and so did Jack and Andrew.
"We were just talking about our plans for today", Nate informed me.
I nodded and asked: "So, what are your plans for today?"
"I just asked them what they think of taking a day off", Jack said. "We've worked enough for the whole year."
I looked sceptically at him: "It's just January, you know."
He smiled. "Who cares?"
"Well, to be honest, that would be perfect. I had promised Jill now for a while to spend a day alone and do just something together", Andrew mentioned.
"The same with Lena and she's at home today anyway", Jack said laughing.
I looked at Nate and as I had guessed he looked sadly to the floor. I had found out the last day really much about the three of them. Andrew is married and happy with his wife Jill and Jack has a girlfriend called Lena for a while now. Nate on the other hand has just split up with Rachel, Jack's sister. Although I don't know her, I could imagine how cute the two of them must have been. Jack followed my sight and his face dropped. How would he decide?
"I'm sorry, Nate. How about doing something together with Jill and Lena?"
Nate looked up again and I wondered. His disappointed expression has disappeared and he looked at me. "Just spend time with your honeys. Julie, did you eat something already?"
I stunned and didn't know what to say. I didn't even imagine to see him again and now he asks me out? I looked at my uncle who was listening all the time and didn't say a word. "Just go. I think it would be ok for your parents", he said and smiled. Great, it looks like he noticed my little crush. Jack and Andrew smiled widely, too. What was that? A party at my house and I wasn't invited? Well, maybe I should just hide my feelings more, I thought and blushed.
"Can you drive her home later, Nate? I'll text her parents to tell them where she is", Louis said.
Nate nodded. "Well then, let's go"
I looked up at them. "Ehm, did I agree?" No, but I do.
"You don't agree?", Nate asked and looked like I slammed my fist at his face.
I immediately was shocked. Sorry for making a joke...
"Of course I do agree. I just....well... let's go", I said.
We said goodbye to the others and I had the strange feeling that I would see them now and then again, though I couldn't explain it. I was followed by the little laugh of Jack. He will get trouble later...


I was sitting in Nate's car and was just trying to get out of him where we were going for the whole ride.
"No, I won't tell you", he said for the five-hundredth time.
I gave up. "Fine."
He looked at me. "You're giving up?"
"Any choose?"
"Well, no but we're here anyway."
"McDonalds? Ehm, inventive."
We were standing in a parking lot which was official but directly in front of a McDonalds' store. I followed Nate, who just got out.
"No, what are you thinking of me?", he asked me.
"I'm sorry, I just thought...", I said pointing to the shop as he came over to me.
He laughed and hugged me. "No, you strawberry"
I hugged him back immediately. "Strawberry?", I asked.
Now it was his turn to blush. "Dunno. I have been called like this by my Mom and it just came out", he told me and started to walk away. I hurried up to walk next to him.
"Don't shame", I told him.
He looked up and smiled at me. "You are curious where we are going, don't you?"
"Yeah, of course. Especially because it's nearly too late for breakfast."
"Here we are"
I looked at a restaurant which carried the name 'The Pancake House'.
I smiled widely. "Exactly what I love."


"So, how long have you been making music?", I asked Nate as we were walking down the street after our great brunch. I hadn't cared about the breakfast I ate before and now my stomach feels a little bit full, but it didn't bother me at the moment.
"I have been in two bands at high school. NeverGonnaScore and This Past Year." I had to think of one of my friends of school. We weren't that close friends but she has a band, too, which was called 'Broken Rhapsody' I felt very happy about her at the moment. Her band entered a contest for the supporting act of her favorite band 'Black Veil Brides' and I wished her all the luck for the competition tomorrow. "That was when I was around fifteen", Nate continued. "Later I founded a band with my old school friend Sam Means. The Format. We split up a few years ago and then we started fun."
"I'm sorry", I said.
"Why?", he asked and looked at me.
"For all that split-ups. It sounds like your career hasn't been made you that easy."
He nodded. "No, it hasn't."
We walked in silence a little while.
"Actually, I haven't really talked about this to anyone", Nate told me suddenly and stopped. We had walked in a little side road where it was much quieter. I hadn't been in this part of the city before, i recognized.
"I mean, I have talked about my music history to Jack, Andrew, my family and some of my friends, but never about my feelings about that. I only did this to special people", he paused and looked at me. "I guess, you are something special."

/* Look closely, there's a reference to my friend _fallen_angel_2639 */

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