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Age: 19

Location: College dorm

It had been a month since I came clean to Kellin about my true feelings about him. Doing so was one of the most terrifying things I've ever done but now once I've done it I'm happier than ever. To a beginning I was scared that Kellin only kissed me because he didn't want to make me feel bad.

Though now I wasn't scared anymore, it had been a month and Kellin had only showed signs of actually having feelings for me. The morning after we kissed we had a long talk about what this meant for us and in the end we became official boyfriends.

Since then I've been practically flying around in the sky, bouncing on the clouds. Well not literally, but that's how I've been feeling. I always used to mention how Kellin is a close kind of person. I thought he was close when we were just friends but it was absolutely nothing compared to now that we're a couple.

Kellin's been clinging to me like a cat pretty much 24/7 since the moment we got together, and I've been loving it for every second. I love feeling needed, and I love being close to Kellin. Both of  which I have gotten the past month.

It's the morning of our one month anniversary today. I know it might seem silly to celebrate something like that so I won't do anything big but I at least want to take Kellin out on a date. We haven't had the chance to go on our first date yet and now when we've been boyfriends for a month I think it's about time we do so.

I'm the first one to wake up, Kellin still being fast asleep next to me. His head is resting on my chest with his hair spread out over his face. I brush some of the hair out of his face, placing it behind his ear and pressing my lips against his cute little nose. I have a thing for his nose, it's cute so don't judge me.

When I do this Kellin's eyes start moving until they're fluttering open and he looks up at me with his big eyes. I reach forward and gently place my hand behind his neck, bringing him in for a gentle kiss.

"You are so beautiful, how did I get so lucky as to call you mine?" I whisper, making Kellin blush.

"Shut up, I'm not that beautiful"

"Kellin Quinn I will literally smack your beautiful face if you ever say that again" I scold him, though also hugging him closer to me at the same time.

"You're so cheesy"

"Shut up, you love it"

Kellin mumbles something that I believe is a way of agreeing before he wraps his arms around my torso, cuddling into me. I sigh in content as I wrap my arms around the small boy on top of me, pulling my fingers through his black strands.

I feel Kellin littering my chest with small kisses, trailing them up until he reaches my lips which he pecks as well. I can't help myself as I deepen the kiss, pressing my lips harder against Kellin's.  Immediately he responds to the kiss and lets me roll us over so that I'm on top of him, my legs in-between his. That's another thing I adore about Kellin, he's so naturally submissive and for me that is such an incredible turn on.

Though I am happy that I didn't give into Kellin right away when he wanted to have sex. I did kind of wanted to in the moment but I was sure Kellin would change his mind and like I told him, I would never want to take advantage of him.

Good thing is, now when it's been a while Kellin is glad we didn't do it as well. He admitted that his feelings were a bit out of control and was really thankful that I didn't give into him, despite being turned on by him.

Considering we have been best friends for many years our relationship was different to what it would have been like if we had just met and started dating. Now we already know most things about each other, we don't really have that getting to know each other phrase. We've skipped that part and gone straight to being a couple that seems like they've been dating for a long period of time. Therefore I'm hoping that since nothing happened a month ago, it might happen tonight.

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