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Age: 27

Location: Adoption bureau

"I can't believe we might meet our future child, I'm so nervous," Kellin whispers to me.

Currently we're in the waiting room at the adoption bureau, waiting to speak with someone who works here about adopting a baby. Kellin is literally shaking with nerves besides me, I have been trying to stay calm in order to not make Kellin stress out even more but I'm starting to have a hard time doing so. Quiet honestly I'm nervous as hell too.

"I'm nervous too honey. But let's not get our hopes up way too much, we're still not completely sure if there is a baby that they will allow us to adopt," I whisper back to him, squeezing his hand.

"I know nothing is decided yet. But I do think we're getting a baby today. I don't think they'd ask us to come to Michigan all the way from San Diego only to let us know they didn't accept our application." Kellin looks at me with a look that I can't help but agree with.

"I sure hope you're right darling." I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss it before wrapping my arm around Kellin's shoulders instead. Kellin leans closer to me and wraps his arm around my waist, cuddling close to me while we keep waiting for our names to be called in silence.

It was only a short time after our wedding that Kellin and I started talking about having kids. Though it was obvious that we couldn't have a biological child, me and him together. Of course there were other options such as a surrogate mom, but we felt that adoption was the choice that fit us the best. So about two months after our honeymoon when we had talked it through properly and knew that it truly is what we want, we contacted a bunch of different adoptions bureaus and filled in applications.

After that it has only been to wait, as there was nothing else we could do. We hadn't heard much from any adoption bureau for a long time, only a letter from each that confirmed our application had made it through and our names where now in their systems.

After that we didn't hear anything up until two weeks ago when we heard from this adoption bureau in Michigan that said they wanted to see us in person. Now two weeks later, here we are; in their waiting room, nervously waiting for what they are going to inform us.

The past two weeks have consisted of getting any paper we might need ready. Papers who confirms who we are, confirms who our parents are and confirms we don't have any criminal past experiences and a whole bunch of other papers that I didn't even knew existed up until now.

We drove up here three days ago, or well we got here three days ago. The trip took a few days as well considering it's a long way to go so once we got here we rented a room at a hotel nearby where we've been staying for the past couple of days.

"Mr. and Mr. Fuentes?," an unknown voice suddenly asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

The voice belongs to a middle aged woman with a clipboard in her hands and I figure she's someone who works here. Kellin and I stand up from our seats, walking hand in hand over to her before letting go of each other's hands so that we can shake the woman's hand politely.

She leads us through a corridor before she unlocks and opens the door to what looks like a small simple conference room of some kind. She holds the door open for us and Kellin and I sit down next to each other as she takes a seat at the other side of the table.

I take Kellin's hand discreetly under the table, lacing our fingers together and give his hand a light squeeze.

"So, I'm sure you're both very excited about being here and wondering what today will bring. You guys have been in our system for quiet a time now and there is a big chance you will be leaving this place with a child today," she speaks. As she utters the last sentence butterflies erupt in my stomach as I can't hold back my smile and Kellin seems to have trouble holding back his tears.

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