Chapter Ten

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My eyes were wide in shock and I was frozen with the same expression as I pushed Kellin away from me. It was more rude then I wanted and it looked as if I was disgusted with him because I wiped my mouth with my sleeve right after. I didn't want that at all, sure Kellin is all nice now and all but no thanks.
"What the fuck?" I said still shocked by him.
"Wait, aren't you gay?" he asked sounding confused by the way I was acting.
"Um, it doesn't matter if I'm gay, you don't just kiss someone like that. You were nice to me for like what? Two weeks? And what? You think by apologizing to me, that gives you the right to just kiss me?" I ranted at him, he looked taken back from how I was acting about this whole thing.
Was he only being nice to me because he wanted something from me?Obviously he was trying to win me over but, I really thought he was trying to prove that he wasn't a bad guy and wanted to be friends. Boy was I wrong.

"You're unbelievable" I stated after more moments of silence from him. I began to turn away from him but he clung to my wrist stopping me, I pulled from his grip immediately.
"Don't touch me, you're not allowed to touch me without my permission. you know what? don't talk to me either." I guess by saying that he looked hurt by it. Maybe I was being a little melodramatic but, I guess the whole day was just super awkward for me.

I stayed in my room for the majority of the day, I was back at square one with Kellin now. He didn't attempt to talk to me all day like I did. Kellin and I didn't even know each other that well, we spent two days with each other we aren't even exactly friends. It was until two a.m, it was a Sunday sure but for some reason I was awake and apparently so was Kellin. I heard him pacing by my door before he stopped and slid a piece of paper under my door. I contemplated ignoring it and finally just sleep but, I knew that no matter what I did to ignore it I would never get even a minute of sleep without knowing what it said. So I got it over with and picked up the paper next to my door. I read it and I wasn't anything incredibly memorable, it was just a sentence written in Kellin's sloppy hand writing asking me to come talk to him in his room. I wasn't sure that was really the best choice but, I did it anyway.

I opened his bedroom door slowly looking around the room before my eyes landed on a small body sitting outside their window. He was sitting on the roof, he could get to it by just going through his window. I stood there for a few moments, just watching him sit there with his arms wrapped around his legs. I looked around his room, he was right. The chiodos poster he told me about was right above his desk. I looked back towards the window and to him, he must want me to go out there with him, he wants to talk and since he wrote me a note he's probably expecting me. I wasn't really sure I wanted to talk to him, but at the same time I did. I'm not really sure what we would even talk about. My cause of death will be curiosity I just know it because apparently I need to know everything.

I crawled through the window and slowly walked towards Kellin he was looking straight, watching the cars pass by us below. He didn't look at me when I sat down and I was hoping he wasn't going to say something deep and spiritual in the middle of our weird night silence thing. Being the cliche he is he did say something.
"..a lack of transparency..results in distrust and.. a deep sense of insecurity.." he mumbled most of it and said the last part more quietly than the rest but I understood what he said and I recognized it right away.
"You quoted the Dalai Lama." I stated, he looked at me with his head on his knees.
"I did, my mom has a magnet on our fridge saying it, its been there for years." he said.
"And?" I wanted to know exactly why he decided to mention that one particular quote.
"I haven't really payed attention to it until now, and when I say now I mean constantly for two weeks ago." he said.
"Well.. what made you think about it?" I asked.
"You.. I don't really know who I am, for the two days we spent with each other I felt like I was begging to figure that out." he confessed. " I didn't want to make you do anything you didn't want to, and I was really planning on kissing you and I wasn't being nice to you to try to manipulate you or make you feel like you owe me" he began to ramble on until I grabbed his shoulder.
"It's ok, I was over reacting" I said.
"I just wanted to tell you I really do want to be your friend" he said. I smiled at that and nodded, agreeing.
"I said that whole quote because for a while, I didn't like who I was and you gave me a reason to change" he said looking at his sneakers.
"Are you telling me I made you a better person?" I asked.
He looked directly into my eyes and responded with a confident yes.
I smirked at him, "prove it." I said as I wiped out my cell phone, I began to dial Jordan's number and paused to look at Kellin. He was looking at me curiously, I'm pretty sure Jordan would be awake at this point, 2 am here would about 6 am there are it is a Monday so he's probably awake for school.
"I want you to give a complete, full and sincere apology to Jordan right now, he's the first one to be sorry to not me." I said as I held the phone to my ear. Kellin looked really confused but nodded in agreement. "Well you did get him hospitalized and sent back to the uk" when I said that I could see the regret in his eyes and I was glad he felt sorry for his actions.
When Jordan answered he sounded tired, he usually was a morning person so I think he could handle a two minute call.
"Hey Jordan, I have someone who would like to talk to you" I said then handed the phone to Kellin. His apology was pretty long about three whole minutes, he sounded like he thought about this before, he ended the conversation and it sounded like they were know on pretty good terms they actually said a few jokes too. I'm a peace maker, hello world behold the new pope. He handed me the phone and smiled brightly at me.
"Thank you for doing that" I said.
"No, thank you for giving me a chance to say sorry to him" he said kindly. We simply just looked at each other before we began to talk again, we talked for a while about out lives, interest, space, just a bunch of stuff. He invited or more like demanded to have me to sit by him at lunch and all the classes we had together. I ignored the feeling that he only invited me because he knew I was sort of a loner but decided to only worry about his friends. When I voiced my thoughts he reassured me that his friends wouldn't be bothered by the idea of me being around, he said once you get to know them they are pretty cool.
"How did you know I was gay?" I blurted.
He smirked at me "my gaydar is so spot on I could be the next supreme." he joked.
"and I didn't even know you were gay, like at all" I said honestly.
"I guess my sexuality was the least of your concerns since you got here." he said and he was sort of right. We talked for a really long time and I wished it was like this since the beginning, it's too bad we met on such bad terms, we shook hands and decided to give ourselves a fresh start.

We talked for so long we didn't even know it was all ready morning until we began to see the orange ray of light rise from the dark. It was a kind of a lame thing to do but we watched the sunset together, when we realized neither of us had even a minute of sleep there would be no way we could survive a whole day of school.
"I'm definitely faking sick." Kellin declared. " You could say I got you sick too".
"I can't miss school" I sighed.
"Oh yeah I forgot you are a huge nerd" he joked.
I rolled my eyes at him and left to go inside and he followed me. I waved goodbye as he got into bed.

School was so agonizingly long, I fell asleep in music and English and math, I might as well of stayed home because it wasn't like I payed attention in any of my classes at all. Thankfully I no longer had to worry about Ronnie any more because I could no way handle any of his shit today. It was a pleasant surprise to see Kellin waiting for me after school to drive me home, he told me his mom let him drive me home from school now on so they didn't have to waste money on a chauffeur. We watched a movie on the couch, but Kellin had the privilege to sleep through my whole school day and I ended up about ten minutes into the movie falling right asleep and I fell asleep on Kellin, and he waited hours until I woke up without moving because he didn't want to wake me up. Is this really how friends act?

Silver Spoons (Kellic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن