Chapter Three

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I felt the bruises starting to form, I'm not sure how long I was laying on the grass. 5 minutes? 10? 20? I turned from my back to my side and tried to lift myself so I could at least sit up properly. My body ached and I groaned as I kept my head on top of my knees facing the direction of the Quinn's home. I blocked out the way I felt about my current situation, it kept me from crying. After a while I got pretty good at it. All I did was wait for Mrs. Quinn, I kept myself tucked together, my arms wrapped around my legs. The good thing was that my backpack was still intact.

I started to wonder if Mrs. Quinn was even coming until I saw her oh so familiar car coming towards me from a distance. Hopefully she would see me, so I tried to stand up. It felt like my bones were shattered, I held my side while I was waiting for her. She stopped the car next to me and I opened the passenger side door and scooted over behind her seat so she wouldn't see me, or my bruises and pained expression.

"Oh honey, you didn't need to go outside the gates to wait for me. I'm so sorry there was a bit of traffic the way here" she apologized.

"It's fine Mrs. Quinn" but it really wasn't.

"Ok, how was your first day, do you like you new school?"

"Sure do" I lied.

"That's great, I hope you have a fine high school career here"

I hummed a response to quickly end the conversation. I was afraid that I was going to get choked up and worry her. I new I had to solve my own problems, plus I'm used to this kind of treatment in school. I don't get why I didn't see this coming either, Jordan warned me about something like this happening. He told me stories of how kids would make fun of him and push him around because he came to the school with a scholarship, like me. I didn't help the fact he was from the UK and had a thick British accent. The kids in this school didn't like different that much.

Like usual the car ride was silent, I stared out the window for the most part. I pulled out my jacket from my bag and pulled my hood over my head just in case I had any scrapes or bruises on my face or arms. I think I did a pretty good job covering my face during the incursion but better to be safe than sorry.

When we arrived back to their home I let her walk more further infront of me, she held the door open for me so I kept my head down when I passed her. As I was walking up the stairs she told me dinner would be ready in 2 hours. I thanked her then quickly ran up the stairs and down the hall shutting my door behind me. I slid down the door, covering my hands with my face breathing deeply and fast. I tried to calm myself, tried not to think about anything, tried to keep myself from shaking and after a while my breathing steadied and I convinced myself I was okay. I sat there for a long time before I finally got enough energy to get up. I walked into the bathroom really looking at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible like complete and utter shit, I lifted up my shirt to see the already appearing bruises on my sides and back. I sighed and splashed water on my face and drank a glass of water. I decided to take some aspirin to stop my head and body from throbbing and to subside the pain. It didn't take all the pain away but it was better than nothing I guess.

After I changed into my regular clothes placing my dirty ones in a basket I heard the call from Mrs. Quinn, telling me dinner was ready and to come down stairs. I couldn't believe 2 hours had passed already.

I swung opened my door and took a deep breath, and only a second after the door across from me opened and the person standing right before me looking as shocked as I was.

Seeing him infront of me, I started to remember him, a little too well. He's in my first period class, part of the group of guys. He even pointed at me and that's when the others started to notice me. He was the one who knocked me over, he was the one who threatened me in my last class and he was the one who found me and got the others to beat me up. I could still hear his last words to me and everything was going really fast.

"Fuck no, not you" and with that sentence he slammed the door.


I took that as a sign to go down stairs as quickly as I could, if I didn't show up to dinner Mrs. Quinn would come up to find me. I guess I looked nervous because Mrs. Quinn asked if I was alright when I sat down. My voice was shaky but she chose to ignore that. When we were served I looked down at my food and glanced at the plate at the end of the table.

"Oh where's Kellin, it's about time that you two met" Mrs. Quinn spoke "Kellin honey! Come downstairs for dinner!" she called.

After a few moments we all heard his door swing open then he yelled from upstairs "Not if that filth is staying with us!"

"Kellin!" she shouted, "I'm so sorry Victor, he usually not like this." she said.

"That boy has always been disrespectful" Mr. Quinn countered. "Always out with those terrible 'friends' and always in that filthy room"

The rest of the dinner was only the sound of our forks scraping against our plates, I picked at my food and kept my head down. When I decided I was finished I thanked them both and then quickly left to my room. I didn't even hear him come home, or maybe he was here before I was.

I wasn't sure what to do, I called Jordan and told him what happened. I rememered I never told him the name of the family I was living with and when I did Jordan basically exploded. He told me that Kellin Quinn was one of the most richest and most powerful kids in the school, he pratically ran it. He hated the scholarship kids and always got his minions to beat them up. The only reason he could do that was because his father's donations kind of funded the school so he never got in trouble with the dean. The school was all about money, the more you had the more power you possesed.

And I'm just learning about this now. Oh joy.


Learning all this made me incredibly nervous and paranoid about the rest of my high school career. I was also worried about living in the house of the person who hates me most. I was scared, what if he tried to kill me in my sleep? My parents would never let me drop out of this incredibly prestigious school, no matter what I was I was put through. Well obviously if I ended in the hospital they wouldn't really have any other choice but still.

I started to hear distinct voices, real voices from downstairs. I got up and placed my ear against the door, I recognized Mrs. Quinn's voice and Kellin's, they were arguing, and arguing about me. I opened my door and poked my head out the door to hear them more clearly. I think they were in the kitchen downstairs.

"Why didn't you tell me that fucking immigrant was staying here?" he shouted.

"His name is Victor and he is a really nice, smart young man." she retorted.

"I don't care how nice he is! Why didn't you tell me?"

" I did, but you never listen to a word I say, he's staying and attending school here if you like it or not!"

"Well why don't we just let the maid go to school with me too, huh?"

"You better be respectful young man, me or your father will not tolerate this type of behavior, now go to your room!"

"Whatever, this bullshit."

"Watch your mouth!"

He had no idea I was going to live here, I wonder what would of happened if he did, probably just protest like he was now.

They're fight then soon ended and I started to hear fast foot steps coming up the stairs, he was soon coming down the hallway and before I could close my door he caught eye contact with me. My heart started to race when he came towards me. He spat at me with complete fury and slammed the door behind him.

I think he might be warming up to me.

Silver Spoons (Kellic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя