Second BGM

172 16 69

Same day, at night...
(At Adhi's house)..

As usual I was doing my work, adhi is helping her mom and tash is sitting at the room for the whole day!!! Yeah, tash is still cry, didn't eat anything or drink, crying only... We we're so helpless... Adhi's parents also ask that why tash is so mood out, didn't eat or anything... We had no choice but just have to lie....

At the same time...
(At Ani's studio)

Ani didn't go back to his home!! He just stayed here for the whole day bcs of that guiltiness, stress and etc... The whole day, he was playing with his grand piano only.... His friends all call him to eat or to do some activities but he refused it... They do funny things also ani didn't react... So his friends give up... They let him alone....

*so back to Adhi's house*
*At the living room*

Me: akka, still tash didn't come from the room ahh??

Adhi:yes dii!! I force her also, but still she refused dii to come in front... Paavam dii!!

Me: ille akka.. (Suddenly my phone ring,it's from bakkhi sir)... Akka, one sec!!
(Then I attend the call)...

***Phone conversation***

Me: hello sir!!!

Bakkhi sir: hi darsh!!! So how is the shooting all??

Me: fine sir!!! Soon the shooting is going to end sir!!!

Bakkhi sir: so the second bgm naa panne sonnele, athu done ahh??

Me: entha bgm sir???

Bakkhi sir: athan aniku sonnele!!

Me: iruge sir!!! Naa konjam refresh pannikeren... (Back to the flashback) Muruga.....(shout)..

Bakkhi sir: yennama achu?? Why u shout suddenly???

Me: sir I forgot to that sir... Athe second bgm ode scene next week start sir... Muruga....

Bakkhi sir: yennama ippedi panneringele maa!!! At least u both, tell to ani ahh???

Me: avare naaripoi irukaru!!! (Didn't realized wht I said)....

Bakkhi sir: what did u say???

Me: chi, ille sir!!! Avare naatamey paadam pathuketheraru sir!!! (Change the topic)....

Bakkhi sir: I don't care what movie that he is watching, do the bgm now... Got it!!

Me: Got it sir!!! (Cut the call)....

***Conversation End***

Me: akkkaaaaaa!!!

Adhi: yenndi??? Enna achu??

Me: I'm in big problem akka!!!

Adhi: yenna problem dii??? Konjam theliva sollu dii!!!!

Me: me and dhruv totally forgot about the second bgm for this movie!!!

Adhi: second bgm ahh!!! This movie got another bgm ahh!! Solleve ille...

Me: ippo athuva akka mukiyam??? Aiyoo Rama, now what should a do now??? God...

Adhi: maybe u should call dhruv and ask???

Me: akkkkkkaaaa!!!! Thank you so much akka, for helping me!! Yes, I can call him and ask him!!!

Then I take my phone, unlock my password and straight dial to Dhruv... (So let's see at dhruv house kuthu)....

***At Dhruv House***

YENNA VALKAI DAA ITHU ✔(Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now