#56 | No Reply (pt.2)

Start from the beginning


"What do you mean, don't freak out? I've been worried sick all day yesterday, and now there's some sort of random emergency-"

"Wait. Yesterday?" Elton raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. She wouldn't respond to any of my calls or messages earlier..." My voice trailed off, suspicion running throughout my body.

Elton and David exchanged looks.

"That makes so much sense now..." Elton whispered.

"Okay fuck this. What is-" I tried to get past them, anxiety taking over me.

"Stop, stop! Listen!" Elton shoved me backwards.

David tried to calm me down. "This might be a lot to take in... But, the good news is, the ambulance is already on their way!"

"Ambula- Jesus fucking Christ." I mumbled, fear and worry growing inside me. I passed right in between them, Sam following behind me.

I swung open the fence to the backyard, quickly trying to get to the source of the problem. Not knowing what to expect, anxiety continued to deteriorate me.

As I reached the sliding, glass door, Sam caught up, helping me slide it open. My nerves were getting the best of me, making my actions dull and powerless.

I turned the corner and entered their living room. My eyes quickly darted towards the group huddled around the couch. I stood still, seeing the worry in everybody's eyes.

Heath looked at me, then back down at the couch. Liza couldn't even look at me. Scotty and Todd looked at each other, afraid of my reaction. Others whispered among themselves.

Finally, I built up the courage to push through the crowd. The sight was a horrible one.

There she was. My gone girl.

On the couch.


Bloody and beaten.

"Wh..." I covered my mouth and kneeled to get a closer look. "What- What the fuck happened?" I said, my hands causing these words to come out muffled.

My hands shook as I reached out for her face. I brushed the hair out of her forehead, examining her face.

"We don't know, man. This morning we heard a gun shot and Heath went to check it out..." Zane started.

"I came out and saw her on the ground. Some white truck was driving away, too fast to identify. She was shot, Colby." Heath said, sympathy in his tone of voice.

"No... No, that's not right. This isn't real, what the hell? How did this even- I don't understand!" I stuttered, my breathing blocked by the enormous lump in my throat. I didn't know how to deal with any of this. I couldn't.

Liza yelled at David to get me some water, but all I wanted was my girlfriend to be okay.

I held her in my arms, searching for words to say, but all that could escape my mouth was, "Is she going to be okay?"

No one answered for a while.

"Please tell me she's going to wake up." I said, in a small, defeated whimper.

Elton touched my shoulder. "She hasn't been awake in hours."

"She's lost a lot of blood." Scott said, quietly.

I began to lose it. I felt crazy. I felt hopeless. I felt helpless. I felt like my entire world was crashing down on me.

I gently let her go, placing her back to her original position. I got up, stumbling backwards, without taking my eyes off her.

Nothing was okay.

I was so confused. I had so many questions.

Why was she walking around in their neighborhood? Why didn't she answer me at all yesterday? Did the shooter have her kidnapped? Who even shot her?

The unimaginable pain of bleeding out, until the point of passing out, burdened me like hell.

Next thing I knew, my vision grew blurry, and I felt like I was about to black out. I fell to the ground as Carly, Erin, and Zane ran towards me. I breathed in and out, trying to catch up to the beat of my inconsolable heart. Zane shook me, attempting to get me to snap out of it.

David approached me, squatting at my side. "There's one more thing we need to tell you, dude..."

I looked up at him, as if it could possibly get any worse than this. "What is it?"

The entire room transmitted dead silence. You could hear a pin drop.

"Colby..." He began. "This entire thing..."

"What, David!" I shouted.

"It's a prank, you fucking idiot."

LMFAOOOOO YUP. 😈😂 I know I hate myself too.😂😂


I wanna hear your opinion on what the aftermath of all this will be! ☺️

Love y'all!


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