A Text To Start It All

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Edd checked his phone, he was currently laying on his bed in a white shirt, loose green pajama bottoms and mismatched blue and green socks. His face lit up along with his phone screem, the text was from his friend Tord. He would have squealed but it was 2AM so he decided against it. 

Tord had just told him the school he was moving to and to his delight it was the one he and their old friends went too. 

"OOOOOOOO Were going to b so happy 2 see u!!!1!! Especially Tom hahaha X'D" Edd eagerly texted the Norwegian.

After a few seconds Tord replied "Chill out Edd, hah Jehova's gonna murder me. Just heard my Dad don't wanna get caught. Night Liten bønne" Tordle is offline

"Noight Tordle" You singed out

The next Morning

Edd bounced through the crowded halls the happy ginger and grumpy no eyed boy in pursuit. Tom grunted as strangers bumped into him to make their way past "Calm down Edd its just the Commie...." Tom growled in annoyance. "Aren't you a little excited Tom? We haven't seen him in 3 years!" Edd continued his excited bouncing eventually  reaching the end of the crowd, Tom sighed heavily grabbing Matt's shoulder and pulling him quickly to join Edd, "Ow"the ginger pouted.

Tord walked in through the front gates staring contently art his phone, Edd squealed in excitement hrowing himself at the shorter boy Edd embraced him in a welcoming hug, "Welcome back Tord!" Edd grinned letting him go, this was one of those moment Tom wished he had eyes so he could roll them. Tord smiled at Edd and turned to Matt and Tom.

"Greetings Matt!" The Norwegian greeted letting the Cola loving boy go. "Hi Todd" Matt replied cheerfully. Tord rolled his eyes shaking his head. "Welcome to hell asshole..." Tom said sarcastically. Tord smirked approaching him and poking the eyeless boy in the cheek "Miss me kjekk?". 

"Dunno what that word is but I assume its asshole so definitely not" Tom pushed Tord's hand away. Edd and Matt looked at each other and sighed. "Do you have your timetable Tord? If you lost it were allowed behind the secretarys desk since shes always in the back room drinking coffee" Edd smiled.

"Nah I got one last week when I got accepted" Tord took out his planner, Matt gasped "You're in our classes Todd! Just like old times!" He grinned. Tom kicked a stone on the ground in an angry protest.

They made their way to math. Tord knew one thing Tom said was right, this is hell especially if math is first lesson on a monday.

Typical [Ew Highschool AU][EddMatt][TomTord]Where stories live. Discover now