Chapter Twelve: Well I Find It Hard To Stay With The Words You Say

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"Gerard?" Rosalie called out.

"Yes, Frankie?" Gerard looked up from a book he was reading on his device, sitting in his wheelchair.

"Sorry, sweetie. It's me," Rosalie said, shuffling into Gerard's bedroom. "Frankie asked me to keep you company while he finds your brother,"

"Oh, right...sorry,"

"No need to apologize, dear," the older woman came in and sat in the chair. "So, how was your night?"

"I couldn't sleep very well...," Gerard frowned, looking back at the night spent constantly waking up in a cold sweat, worrying over his absent brother.

"According to my grandson, you were pretty well taken care of...and so was your heart,"

"He always knows how to take care of me. I don't know how he does it. I'm just worried about my baby brother. He's never been gone for this long,"

"He is a bit of a mess, isn't he? But then again, he doesn't have Frank like you, does he?"


"It's nice, isn't it?" Rosalie asked as she got up and headed to the balcony. She opened up door, letting the cold evening breeze in and lit up her cigarette. "Knowing that someone is always there for you; that you can turn to them when you are feeling sad and they will give you a shoulder to cry on,"

"I know. I'm very thankful knowing that," Gerard wheeled himself out on the balcony. "I really am,"

"Mmm, so you have Frankie...," Rosalie takes another drag and leans on the railing, looking at the night sky. "...who does your brother have?"

"Well...I know he has Frank to depend on. They always seemed to have good chemistry with each other,"

"They do, don't they?" She took a last drag and finished off the cigarette, dropping it into the ash can.

"I swear they're like two peas in a pod, Ro. They get along so well. It's like they're more of brothers than friends...," Gerard stopped, taking in what he just said. It is true. It's like Mikey and Frank were meant for each other, he thought. It's almost like...they're meant to be...

"You forgot that your brother has you too, sweetie. I just worry about when you are gone. He seems strong, but the strong can also have a glass jaw, and one shot is all it takes for them to fall," Rosalie stepped off the balcony. "I'm gonna make myself some tea. Would you like to watch a movie with me, Gerard?"

"Sure, that would be great,"

"Wonderful, I will see you out there then," Rosalie said as she left Gerard's room, leaving Gerard alone with his thoughts. It hasn't even been two hours since Frank has been gone, and he already misses him dearly, as well as his baby brother.

_ _ _

Frank knocked on the door and stood in front of the room that Mikey was staying in. He waited for an answer, but none came. Frank was clever though. He had managed to get another key card by using Mikey's old ID card. The guy hardly glanced at it and back to Frank, and Mikey had the same hair style. After waiting a few more minutes he opened the door and went in.
"Mikes?" Frank called out.

It was a nice hotel room as expected of the Ways. It had a sunken living room with a fireplace and the bedroom was closed off by a door through the bathroom. Frank crossed through and knocked on the bedroom door.
Still no answer. He opened the door and gasped at the sight. There were empty wine bottles everywhere. Enough for a small party. Mikey was on the bed passed out with what looked like a full bottle spilled out over him along with whatever else he had ingested. The room reeked of vomit.
"Jesus, Mikey!"
Frank walked over and tapped his face lightly. Mikey groaned, but didn't open his eyes. Frank collected the bottles and moved them so he wouldn't trip. He then went into the bathroom and started to fill the large tub with warm water. Once that was done he stripped down to his boxers and then went back to Mikey. Frank had gotten stronger carrying patients around, so lifting Mikey was nothing. He stripped him and then put him back on the bed. He went back to the bathroom and turned the water off. He then carried Mikey into the bathroom and placed him in the tub. He got in behind him and started to rinse him off.
"Come on Mikes, wake up for me." Frank called to him. Mikey started to stir a bit. "That's it, come on Mikes."
Frank had moved the trash can to the edge of the tub knowing that Mikey might have to throw up again or most likely pee from the warmth of the water. Sure enough as he came to, he started to tighten his stomach. Frank grabbed the can and Mikey emptied himself into it. He then maneuvered Mikey to kneel up more, and like clockwork, Mikey relieved himself into the same can. When he was done Frank laid a towel over it to contain the smell slightly. He then went back to helping Mikey wake up fully.
"W-Where am I?"
"You are in a hotel with that famous Way stupidity that you and your brother inherited in spades,"
"Yup, I'm here."
"W-Where's Gee, why aren't you with h-him?"
"Cause I need to be here. Gee is being taken care of, and now you need to be,"
"No, he needs you, he loves you, you should be with him and..."
Frank pours water over Mikey's mouth and then kisses him to quiet him. Just a simple peck.
"Shut up, you need love too."
"I don't, I don't deserve it, Gee needs you more and..."
"Mikey, stop it. You have both of us. I can be your friend and be your brother's boyfriend. I don't have to choose between you."
"Right...sure, I was being silly again."
"Now, let's get you cleaned up and dressed and get home, cause he is worried about you."
Frank gets out of the tub and grabs a towel. He helps Mikey out and dries him off. He gets dressed and runs down to the car and grabs the emergency pair of scrubs that he keeps in the trunk. He helps Mikey dress in them and then they head home.

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