Chapter 4

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Mrs Swift pov

And the doctor said "Your daughter is safe", we were very happy after listening that. But the doctor was not happy yet. So i asked "What happen doctor? Any problem?". He replied "Yes mam there is a problem, actually your daughter is safe, but she will be not able to remember anything".

We were shocked, Amelia's mom faint on the floor, we sprinkle some water on her face and tried to wake her up. She woke up and started shouting "Where is my daughter? Where is she? I want to see her". We tried to comfort her, but she was not listening to us. She ran to Amelia's room. We ran behind her. We entered the room. And we saw that Amelia was sleeping was peacefully on the bed.

We took Amelia to home as she was discharged from the hospital. I went home as I was not feeling well. I had food and went back to Amelia's house. Amelia was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I think she was imagining as she loves to imagine.

Days went, weeks passed but Amelia didn't wake up.
I was getting scared, questions were running on my mind "When will Amelia wake up?, If she doesn't wake up?" Thousand of questions in my mind but no answer.

After one month, i went to Amelia's house, i sat near her, and started watching her, her pretty face, when i saw, Amelia open her eyes, I was so happy, i started jumping like mad, and started calling her mom and dad. Her mom and dad came and they were also so happy. We all started asking Amelia " Amelia are you feeling ok? How are you feeling?"

But she just replied......

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