Loving the Lockdown... NOT!

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(Hayley's POV)

" Hay? Are you awake?" I heard a voice ask.

A hazy version of Tony and Bruce appeared in my vision. What happened? Why am I locked down.

" Hayley are you okay?" Bruce noticed my struggle.

" Why am I locked up?" I asked.

" Lile." Tony said.

" Oh." I looked down.

" She attacked me and almost killed me if it hadn't been for Bruce." Arissa explained. That look in her eyes told me that Arissa loves Bruce. Aw!

" Sorry. It's Lile. So Bruce saved you?" I said trying to be match maker.

" Yeah." Arissa hid her blush. Bruce didn't notice, but me and Tony did.

That Fury dude came in. " You're coming with us."

" Where to?" I asked.

" Lockdown 171." he said.

" Lockdown 171?" Bruce asked. " That's for the other guy. Why is she even going to lockdown?"

" She almost killed a highly respected S.H.I.E.L.D. agent." he said.

" So what! The other guy killed more than 10,000 people!" a flash of anger shot through his eyes.

Before anymore could happen, he was shot with a tranquilizer dart.

" Bruce!" I screamed very loudly.

" Hayley. It's going to be okay. I'll get you out." Tony whispered to me. A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent grabbed him and held him down while Fury dragged me away.

" Tony! Bruce!" I screamed. " Let me go eye patch!"

I saw them drag Bruce's body away. Tony was passed out and they put him in his suit, woke him up and pushed him off the helicarrier.

" No! Let me go!" I struggled. He shoved me in a completely white room. I sat down and cried. I cried and cried. Then I fell asleep.

I dreamed of Tony, Bruce, and me.

And all of our deaths.

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