Reunited on Valentine's Day

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*Bruce's POV*

No, that doesn't work.

I'm working in my lab. Tony is supposed to be here! Calm down Bruce, Tony will be here soon. He's out trying to find a girlfriend for Valentine's Day and he promised he'd be here at 3:00. It's 5:00 now. Well, I don't blame him. At least he can get a girl without being worried about her calling him a monster. I wish I had someone to spend the day with (Besides my lab stuff).

" Bruce?" asked a voice. The voice sounds so familiar. Hm...

" Huh?" I turned around. Tony stood there with a girl. The girl had straight, black hair and thick black rimmed glasses.

" I found someone who knows you." said Tony with a smirk. " Meet Hayley Banner."

" Hayley!?" We ran to each other and hugged.

" Bruce," Hayley started to cry. " I'm sorry."

I pulled the hug apart and looked into her light brown eyes. " There's no need for you to be sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you." She cried some more.

" She can stay here." Tony butted in. " I can show her a room and then we'll get to our science stuff."

" Okay." I said.

" Wait you live with THE Tony Stark?" Hayley stared at me in amazement. She's obsessed with Tony too?! Ugh!

"Yeah, we're friends." I said like it wasn't a big deal. To me it wasn't. To Hayley... well let's just say her eyes were bulging out of her head and her mouth was dropped open to the point where it looks like her jaw might fall off. Is that even possible?

" Woah." she said.

" So, Hayley, follow me and I'll show you to your new room." said Tony.

" Okay." she said following him.

I found my long lost sister. Hayley. I can never tell her though.

I can never tell her about what happened to me.

Or anything about the Avengers.


Hi guys!

Happy Valentine's Day!



Don't let the door hit you on the way out! See ya guys later! :D!!!!

Secrets (ON HOLD) (A Bruce Banner Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें