-Making and breaking each other's heart's [Chapter 14]

Start from the beginning

“Oh my god I have college next week”

I said running my hands through my hair as Niall watched me.

“I know, I’m going to miss you, you know”

I sat up sighing.

“Niall, I don’t wanna go, run away with me?”

He laughed pulling me into a hug.

“As great as that sounds I think we’d get into a spot of trouble”

I smiled, that did sound like a really great idea, running away with Niall making our own adventure but I knew that was a just stupid idea that’d never actually happen we both had too many commitments and I couldn’t bear to drag Niall away from his band, I was never really going to do it anyway, life isn’t that simple anymore however hard you try to make it so.

“What are you doing tomorrow?”

Niall asked me playing with the ring on my finger; my jewellery had always been much to his entertainment.


I sighed, seriously not wanting to go back.

“Not tomorrow, pleeeease”

He begged me his eyes pleading as they stared into mine. I laughed slightly.

“Why not tomorrow?”

“Because you’re coming on a date with me, obv”

I raised an eye-brow at him getting ready to say I couldn’t because of all the coursework I was behind on then I remembered that I needed to loosen up a bit and enjoy life while I could.

“Please, it’ll be like your final day of freedom”


I said finally giving in, I didn’t really show it but I was excited because I think I really like Niall.


He said hugging me tightly, it was getting late now and I was basically falling asleep on him.

“I’m going to bed now, you know since I’m gonna be up the next few nights doing coursework since apparently I have a date with some idiot tomorrow”

He smiled at me.

“Pretty hot idiot though”

“If you say so”

“You’re sleeping with me”

“Yes because that’s gonna go down well with everyone else”

He shrugged.

“I don’t really care, Faye sleeps with Harry I don’t see how we’re any different”

“Ugh, they’re the same age”

“It’s not like a year is a big deal now off you go, I’ll be here”

I gave up secretly happy that Niall had asked me to sleep with him, not that I didn’t like sleeping in my amazing room but in his arms was so much better. I went to the bathroom washing off my make-up and cleaning my teeth I put my hair into a loose bun and gripped the loose bits back even though I knew it’d be loose by the morning. I slipped on my pyjama shorts and t-shirt and set an alarm on my phone knowing that I’d probably need to get up at silly o’clock for a date with Niall.

I slipped underneath the covers next to Niall as he pulled me closer to him I snuggled into his chest as he whispered to me “You’re just as beautiful without make-up” I was too tired to argue so I just shook my head as he pulled me closer and I fell almost instantly asleep.

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