Eight: I Can't

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I'm sitting in my car stalking Lily. Watching her every move. Not only that, but she has a girls night out. I guess today won't be the night she disappears from her family. I'm still pissed off at Lily and she will be a very important kill for me. It might be a tricky target because she is always surrounded with people that care for her. That won't stop me. I turned on my car and drove away, I drove to Lowes to buy some supplies. I bought a ton of Plastic wrappings, Duct  tape and a shovel. I also added some drinks, chips and shampoo to make sure it doesn't look suspicious. 

I drove back to Lily's house and the girls are now watching The Notebook. Great. I drove to the old construction site and I prepared everything. I set my knifes in a row, I completely covered the small room with plastic. Remember, I can't leave one drop of blood. Not one.

I drove back to my house mainly because I knew that Lily will not be alone tonight. Maybe I could sneak in when they are all sleeping but even then. It's too risky.

I walked into my house and I ate tacos that my mom had made. They were amazing. I went up stairs and I was hearing my father and mother having sex. My mother was moaning loud and my father was doing the same. This was so gross. I went into my room and began playing the music loud enough to were I couldn't hear them. I added black paint in the red solo cup and grabbed a new brush and began painting the last part of my angel picture. I've been too busy lately that I had to stop, but tonights the night that I finish this project. 

After several hours I finally finished. It looked amazing. Bringning my pictures to life size or making them bigger really sooths me. I don't know why but it really does. I got a text from Lily and I checked the time and it was 11:30. 

Lily: Hey Justin, Want to come over? i'm alone.

I smirked and knew that maybe tonight is the night. 

Me: yeah, I'll be there in a sec.

I grabbed my car keys and quickly drove to her house. I knocked on the door and Lily opened the door. "c'mon on in" Lily greeted me in. "so where are your parents?" I asked. "they went on a business trip and they will be gone for a couple of days" Lily replied. We walked up stairs and Lily guided me to sit on her bed. I sat on her bed a bit confused and she turned off the lights. she sexually sat on me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "are you drunk again?" I asked. She luaghed and nodded her head yes. She began kissing very passionately. I layed down on my back and she was still on top of me kissing me. She stopped to take off her shirt and bra. "okay lets not go their" I said gently pushing her away. "oh c'mon" She begged. 

I was walking away and she pulls my jacket off and lifts up my shirt. "Lily give me my clothes back" I demanded getting alittle mad. She began kissing me roughly and she was rubbing my chest. We were both topless and I couldn't help it any more. I grab her by her hips and roughly pushed her on her bed. I began kissing her roughly. 

I knew this was bad so I just stopped. I got off of her and demanded for my clothes back. She kept laughing and saying no but I can't go down this road. I can't kill her now because I don't want to kill her when she is drunk. Mainly because they will be confused and less scared. I grabbed my shirt and jacket from Lily and quickly jogged to my car. Lily ran outside half naked chasing me. "Lily stop" I demanded. I quickly locked my doors and drove off. 

Why is it so hard trying to Kill Lily?

The next morning I got another text from Lily. I drove to her house and I prayed that she wasing drunk. I knocked on the door and she opened it. "hey" She said smiling at me. I kind of just stood there. "Come in" Lily said while opening the door wider.

we sat on the sofa and it was a bit quiet. "you know, I was testing you last night" Lily said breaking the silence.

"what?" I replied in cunfusion.

"I wasn't really drunk, I just thought you were those guys who pretend to like you just for sex"

"I'm not that guy"

"I know, And i'm just going to go ahead and say it"

"say what?"

"I think I love you"

I smiled and said "me too"

Lily got closer to me and kissed my lips. I grabbed my horse tranquillzer and injected it in her neck. She quickly fell asleep and I carried her in my car. I quickly drove to the old construction site. I completely took off all her clothes and put it in a plastic bag. I cant leave any DNA behind right?

I wrapped her with plastic wrap and used the tape to wrap her around a table so when she tried to struggle she couldn't get away.

I poured  alcohol on a rag and put it near her nose so she could wake up.

she woke up in fear and confusion. "what are you doing?" She asked. "i'm going to kill you" I said smiling. Her fear wasn't fear anymore and she became calm. "why  aren't you scared?" I asked in confusion. "because I knew who you were this whole time" Lily said. 

I placed my knife back on the table and leaned my back on the wall.

"how?" I asked.

"I saw you walk in the woods with my little brother 4 years ago,  I knew you killed him when he never came back" Lily said. 

"why didn't you stop me?" I asked with even more confusion.

"because I didn't want to get hurt either" Lily said.

It was silent for a long time.

I grabbed my knife and aimed it to Lily's heart. Lily just closed her eyes praying. I couldn't kill her. 

I cut the tape and plastic off of her body and she was just laying down naked. She kind of stood still and I just gave her her clothes. "so your not afraid of me?" I asked. 

"remeber when you said you were different?" She asked.

I nodded my head yes. "I knew what you meant" Lily said smiling. 

Did i Just meet someone who finally accepts me for who I am?

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