Three: The Girl

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"and that's when I found out that my mom was pregnant" The girl said smiling as she was standing in front of the class and everyone began clapping. "Thank you Tessa, just remember, speak a little louder but other than that, you deserve a 100!" Mrs.M said. 

Mrs.M scanned her sheet of paper that had a list of our names. She lofted up her glasses and said "America Jones". The girl infront of me stood up and pulled her dress down and walked to the front of the class and leaned on the podium. She looked around and began to speak. "Hello, my name is America Jones. One of my biggest stories that I remember is when I went to the beach with my family. I built a really big castle, or at least I thought it was big because I was six. - the class laughed - And well I ended up getting a really bad sunburn because I was extremely white back then and I had lied to my mom that I already had put on sunscreen back at the hotel room. I had a blast that day because I realized that no matter what, I'm always going to get in trouble by my mom" The class laughed and began clapping. She bowed and then walked back to her desk.

I looked at the teacher and she began scanning the list again. "Justin Bieber" she said. The class looked at me and I licked my lips and slowly walked to the front of the class. My heart began beating a bit faster and I went to the podium. I stood there fixing my leather jacket and looking at the class. I cleared my throat and licked my lips again. "Hello, I'm Justin Bieber. I really don't have a great memory, All though I do remember some negative memories that changed me. My mother lost her mother in a car accident and I loved my grandma so much. She died about four years ago and my mother went crazy. She had to go to a mental care center because she thought of suicide many times. I really feel like she didn't deserve to go through this and It kills me to see my mother go through this. It really does".

I fixed my jacket again and walked to my desk. No one clapped but it didn't bother me. Even the teacher didn't say anything. Some kids mouths were opened and others were just surprised. I really hope I don't have to talk again because that was torturous. "Okay class that was the last presentation for today, you have 10 minutes to talk and get to know each other. " Mrs.M said. Kids stood up to talk to their friends and I just stood still. The girl in front of me turned herself around and smiled at me. "Hi i'm America" She said smiling at me. I just kept my serious face and didn't move for anything. "i'm sorry about your mom" she said in a less happy tone. "it's fine" I said. 

"Hey America!" some random kid yelled across the room. She looked at the boy and waved. "well Im going to go bye!" the girl said and left. I sat in my desk like a loner again. Well it's not a surprise but I thought maybe a few people would come up to me but I guess not. 

The bell rang and that was my last class of the day so I walked to my locker. I looked to my side and I kept walking. I turned around and I bumped into a girl. "i'm am so sorry" I quickly said as I helped her pick up her books. "it's fine" she said and I looked at her eyes and she smiled at me. We both got up at the same time and I handed her the books that fell. She had brown curly hair and was wearing a nice yellow sunflowered dress. She wore a brown small belt and brown boots. "well since it was my fault, the least I could do is help you take these heavy books to your car" I said trying to flirt. Maybe if I talk more often I could actually be happy. "yeah sure, I would love that" She said smiling. "i'm Justin by the way" I said grabbing the books for the second time. "i'm Lily" Lily said smiling. "so I thought you were the quiet one" Lily commented. "Oh you knew who I was" I said surprised. "well everyone talked about you because no one knew how your voice sounded but then my friend texted me like 20 minutes ago that you talked" Lilu said giggling. "Love that, i'm already the biggest thing that happened 20 minutes ago haha' I said laughing. 

After walking for 8 minutes Lily grabbed her keys and press the button to open the car. Her car was a red Jeep and I placed the books on  the passenger seat. "well here you go" I said closing the door. I went to the other side to get closer to her. "well thank you very much" Lily said smiling. "well it was the least I could do right?" I said smiling. I smiled mainly because that's what my dad taught me. I closed the door ande Lily backed up. She waved by at me and I waved back and she drove off. 

I can't believed that I actually met someone. I actually had a conversation with someone alone. I walked to my car and drove home. I opened the door and my mom was cooking as usual. "hey mom" I said. "hey, This is weird, I can't believe we are talking again" My mom said. "well since we are talking now, I have lots to say" I said smiling. I sat on the stool and began showing her all the sketches i've made. She was amazed by all the sketches and we bonded. 

is my life starting all over again? because if it is then I'm loving it already. 

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