Chapter 1

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"Layla!! Get your a** downstairs," my mother said. "When did you apply to Texas A&M University? Why am I just hearing about this?" as she continued. "Ma, I did not tell you because you do not want me attending college. You just want me to stay home and work here," I said. She gives me this look of confusion.

"What do you think you are going to school for? Who do you think is going to pay for this", she continued. I grab my acceptance letter that she opened and did not bother to read. "Mom, you don't have to worry about paying for school because I received a full ride scholarship", I said. There's a moment of silence as my mother debates if she wants to argue back. She grabs her keys, and bumps my shoulder on her way out the door.

My name is Layla Philips, I'm 18 years old and I live in Oakland, California. I am light-skin with freckles and thick in the hips. The introvert in me would intimate you but the extrovert in me screams out to play. I just graduated from High School and in the Fall of 2018 I will be attending Texas A&M University.

I will be attending to get my degree in Journalism. In the meantime, I will be spending this summer with my mother. Her and I relationship has never been the best for years. While some days or better than others, she seems to have her days of remorse sometimes.

My girlfriend, Kacey, stopped by to eat everything in my house like usual. Kacey, is what the lesbian world would call a "Stud". She is about 5'6, with beautiful chocolate skin and dreads. My mother doesn't care for Kacey. I thought it was because my mother is a homophobic, but I think she gets a bad vibe from Kacey.

Meanwhile, Kacey devours everything in my house, I go in the bathroom to get ready for work. Once I finish getting ready, I receive a random text. 'I bet it is from mom, finding something else to fuss about' I thought to myself. When I open the message, it was picture of Kacey kissing some hood rat. I refrained from screaming at her, instead I went into my closet to retrieve her belongings.

I walked in the living room and announced, "Get out, Kacey. I'm tired of getting pictures, text messages, and more about you being with other females. Just go ahead and leave" I said. Kacey jumped up screaming, "What the hell are you talking about yo'? You trippin'. I'm sick of dealing with you anyway". She gets up from the couch with fiery in her eye.

She walks up to snatch the box and starts uttering words under her breath. I make a snarky noise as she proceeds to walk towards the door. She turns to me as she thinks that I'm going to run after her. I wave goodbye when she looks back. With disgust in her eyes, she proceeds out the door and slams it close.

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