Being Pregnant

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While I was pregnant, I wasn't allowed to do much. I got to sit around and go on short walks with Sidney after he was done with practice. Even when it was early in the pregnancy...

Early as in not even two months into the pregnancy, early.

The day after we got back from Chicago, Sid came home with a ridiculous amount of supplements and recipes he had gotten from the team nutritionist. I looked at the pages he had brought home, completely amazed.

"Sweetie, I get that you just want what's best for me and the baby, but this is a bit ridiculous," I turned a few bottles around, seeing what they were, "All of this can't be healthy.."

"I think the professional knows what she's doing," he told me as I flipped through the many recipes he put in a binder.

Since then, I've been under strict rules. No driving. No hard workouts. No caffeine. Nothing. Getting out of the house was a rare occasion. He was always scared I was going to fall down the stairs, or get in a wreck, or get run over by a herd of buffalo.

"Let me go shopping. Please Sid. I'm begging you. All I've done is go to games and occasionally cook. I'm not even showing yet."

"I just- I'm worried. I don't want you or the baby to get hurt. That's all."

"Just let me go shopping. Please. I'll do whatever you want," I bit my lip and pulled at the waist band of his shorts.

"That we can do, I checked," he leaned in to kiss me but I dodged out of it.

"Good. Vero and Estelle are waiting outside. Love you!"

"You can't just do that," he huffed. I smiled and shut the door behind me.

I came back later that night with a latte and bags filled with clothes and shoes. I tried sneaking into the bedroom to finish my drink and put away all that I had bought before he saw me.

"So.. What's that?" His voice startled me. I turned around with the latte still in hand.

"Umm... Coffee.. And shoes," I took a drink and stared at him with wide eyes.

"I thought I told you about heavy lifting and caffeine.."

I nodded and went to throw the rest of my drink away. I was halfway to the bathroom and turned around.

"You know what? No. I am fine drinking caffeine. I can have my tea when I want it, it's not like I drink mass amounts of it anyway. I just have to watch how much I consume," I said, firmly. I wasn't taking this anymore, "I can go out and drive and shop and do whatever. I know my limits and what I can eat. I understand that you just want what's best for me and the baby but this is a bit ridiculous, Sidney."

I didn't get a response from him right away. He just laughed and shook his head.

"You lasted longer than I thought you would. Just please, when you're farther along, take it easy,"

"I promise, Sid. I just need to be able to do something besides sit in the house and play piano. It gets boring."

"But I love hearing you play," He walked over to hug me, "Especially when you play that one song."

"Comptine D'un Autre été?"

"Sure," I laughed. He never knew the name of what I was playing, but I remember him always stopping whatever he was doing to come sit by me while I played that song.

"Come on, let's go make dinner. The baby wants a bacon cheeseburger," Sid rolled his eyes and walked me into the kitchen with him. This was the first time in a few weeks I actually got to cook my own meal.


Yeah this isn't that great but I kinda had to get it out of the way for the next part.

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