Our First Fight.

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I've been with Sidney since before my junior year in college. I spent a lot of my time with him - or waiting for him - instead of out partying with my friends. No, I wasn't one of those girls that replaced her friends with a boyfriend. It just upset Sid when I went drinking without him so me and my girls would have movie nights with a bottle of wine and just talk. Not many of us had the time to hang out all the time so we'd settle for lunch on campus on the days we have class.

I had been staying at his place a few nights a week, just so we would be able to see each other a little more. I had made dinner for the two of us so that he could eat as soon as he got home and hopefully relax while I finished my paper.

"Why do you have your laptop at the table?" He snapped. I just looked at him, not knowing what to say. This is the first time he's acted like that.

"I have a paper that's due.." I shyly replied, "I'm almost done, I just need-" 

"I come home from practice and I want to spend time with my girlfriend. is that too much to ask?" Sid started raising his voice and it was starting to scare me. I wasn't sure how to deal with angry Sid, he usually just worked it off at practice.

"I'm sorry. I'm a student first, then your girlfriend. I have a page left and I'll be done for the night."

"No, you should have done it before I got home. I didn't have to get back right after practice, I could be out-"

"Be out doing what? Talking to other girls? Hotter ones that will drop out of college just to wait around for you to come home? Go right the fuck ahead, Sidney. There are hundreds of girls in this town that would love to be with you. Then I wouldn't have to deal with the shit that's said about me."

"I'm fucking done." He grabbed his keys and slammed the door behind him. I didn't know where he was going and I didn't really care. I just wasn't going to be there when he got back.

I put the leftovers in the fridge before grabbing all my clothes and leaving. I cried the whole way back to my apartment. Without saying anything, my roommate got out the ice cream and handed me a spoon.

"Apparently I'm not supposed to want to pass my classes so I can have a future if we break up," I told her between mouthfuls of chocolate ice cream.

"Don't cry. He'll come back eventually but you should probably change. You're soaked."

I went to change and went back to working on my paper. "Mind if I turn on some music?" She asked, I'm assuming she was going to clean. It was nice living with someone who loved to clean. It meant I didn't have to do that myself.

I was trying to push the whole thing to the back of my mind. I didn't really care to overthink the situation even though it could possibly the end of our relationship, he would get what he wanted. Someone who would pay attention to him and only him.

"Thirty second dance party!" Kendra pulled me off my chair, "Don't try to fight it I know you're distracted." Some old Duffy song was playing and we ended up dancing for a while. This is why I decided to live with my best friend. She knew me better than anyone else.

I was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at the door. "Hey can you get that?"

I grabbed a sweater and put it on before I walked to the door. "Sidney," I stared at my boyfriend standing in the hall, soaking wet, "what is wrong with you? You're going to get sick." I pulled him inside.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do."

"You could have drove."

"I'm just so sorry. I didn't mean it. Any of it." I don't know if he was shaking from the cold or his red eyes had something to do with it. I moved closer to him, trying to decide what to do. I finally wrapped my arms around him, not saying anything. "You're the first person who distracts me from being the lifeless guy hockey has made me. I'm not sure what I'd do without you."

I pulled back and brushed my lips against his, "Come on. Let's take a shower. I'll put your clothes in the dryer." I led him to the bathroom and helped him take off his wet t-shirt.

"I love you." He kissed my neck after I had started drying his clothes, "and I want to show you just how much you mean to me." 

"Sidney, I don't-" He grabbed my hands and put them up to his mouth, kissing them both. His eyes were soft, pleading for me to help him feel like himself again.

"I didn't mean like that, babe. You can stop me whenever you want. I promise I won't pressure you into anything." He took my hand and led me into the shower with him. 


So there's that.

My Life as Mrs. CrosbyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora