Breaking the News

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Shit. I didn't realize it's been two months since I last updated this. Sorry y'all!



"So you really think this is going to work?" I quietly asked as Sid pulled into the parking lot of the zoo. I was four months along with Charlotte's little sibling and we weren't sure how to tell her.

"Yeah, she'll get to see cute animals, we'll get her some stuffed ones, and when she's eating ice cream, we'll tell her she will have a little brother or sister." Something told me that his idea wasn't going to work.

Charlotte was daddy's little girl and she hated when anyone got his attention that was not her and I mean hated. We were in for a treat when she became a teenager.

"You better be right or you won't hear the end of it." I laughed as we got out of the car.

"It's not exactly my fault that this happened." I tilted my head and cocked a brow as he got Charlie out of her car seat. "It takes two to tango."

"There's a thing called pulling out." I whispered, hoping our daughter was too busy eating gold fish to hear our conversation.

"Yeah but what's the fun in that?" He laughed, kissing my cheek before paying the entrance fee. Charlotte was put in a stroller because we knew she would run off or cry when her feet got tired.

We started at the aquarium, intending on making a full loop, but Charlie had to see the elephants. Now.

"But Charlie, we'll miss the bears and Rainforest animals if we go straight to the elephants."

"Sid, this day is about Charlotte. If she wants to see the elephants, she gets to go to the elephants. We can always go back." I reminded my husband.

We spent the entire day going from the elephants, to the fish, to the penguins. Of course, she didn't want to leave. Even when we told her she was getting ice cream.

She seemed pretty happy when she was covered in chocolate ice cream. Then we got to the house and were about to tell her the news.

She was in the living room, playing with a stuffed giraffe while Sid and I watched.

"I'm not telling her." He shook his head. "I'm not going to be the one to say that she's no longer my only little girl."

"She might still be your only little girl. We don't know what it is yet."

"I'm not breaking her heart."

"Good God, Sid. You're such a baby." I sighed, walking over to our little girl. "Hey sweetie, we have some big news for you." I knelt down in front of her, getting her attention.


"You're going to be a big sister!" I tried to sound excited, but not overly excited. She immediately burst into tears.

"You don't love me." She cried, throwing the giraffe at Sidney.

"That's not true. We love you very much, but now you'll have someone to play with besides mommy and daddy."

"I have friends." I picked Charlie up, cradeling her until she calmed down a little.

"Why don't we go watch Beauty and the Beast in our bed? We'll make popcorn and put the flavoring on that you like."


I helped her change into her pajamas while Sidney made the popcorn. He hated when I ate in the bed with Charlie, but he couldn't say no to his two favorite girls.

My Life as Mrs. CrosbyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora