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Folly's POV

It's 12:42 am and I am proud to say that I am drunk.

"Did you see that bird?" Wendy giggles. "It was flying."

I giggle along with her and it feels great while I'm laying on her boob.

"Yea. Weird right?" I smile. "I wish I could fly...I'd go somewhere far, away from everyone."

"I know..."

"You sure they went this way man?" I hear a familiar voice but I closed my eyes aggravated that someone wanted to disturb my peace. The boob was awfully warm and comfy. 

Soft snores filled my eyes as I realized that Wendy went to sleep.

"Yea man, I saw them go this way." Another voice said and I sighed heavily as the two idiots continued talking.

"There!" One shouted and it was near.

Wendy bolted up and stood, stretching out her hand she whispered 

"Come one let's run." 

Wasn't she sleeping.

But me, In my drunken state grabbed her hand and we ran into the opposite direction of the noise.

We collided with every tree, stone, branch, twig, vine and air possible as we ran away like two challenged teens.

"Folly!" Someone shouted and I halted pulling Wendy, who was still leading to a stop.

That voice.

Incredibly sexy.

I turn dropping Wendy's hand to find a tired Talon behind me.

"Oh it's you!" I yell. "My Ta la la."

The dude next to him snickers and he elbows him.

"Let's get you home Flower." He says reached to throw me over his shoulder and I giggle.

"Did you just...You're drunk right?" 

"Ooo issa smart Ta la la." I say in all seriousness, amazed by his intelligence.

"Yea...lets get you home." He trails off and I fall asleep.

Up side down.

On Ta la la's back.


I need to puke.

Sitting up, I throw the comforter off me and run to the bathroom, sadly, it isn't where I left it last night.

Come to think of it...this isn't my room!

Why do I feel so sick?


Looking around I find someone on the bed that I was sleep on...and I was in a huge t-shirt.

Que gasp.

I need to puke first though.

Looking around I find a door and I fly it open to reveal a closet.

No, No, No.

Heaving, I try to keep it down but instead whoever's shoes is in this closet, they're now covered with alcohol flavored bile.

I hope they have fun with that.

Now to deal with them.

Wiping my mouth with one of their shirts in the closet, I find a broomstick in the near corner, I pull it out and walk towards their side of the bed cautiously.

Pulling the stick over my head, I slam it down on the person with a face so raw you would never believe.

I continue to beat the life out of my kidnapper, hitting anywhere and everywhere screaming incoherent words.

"What the f-!"


"Shit!" He yells and I realize he's now awake. My task will be more difficult.

I continue hitting, ignoring his pleas.

"Where am I?!" I yell demanding and he groans."Answer me!"


"Folly! Stop it! It's me!" He grabs my waist and pulls me over him, I end up dropping the broomstick with both hands on his chest.

Ta la la?

I mean Talon.

What the heck is Ta la la...

Where did that...


"Talon?" I gasp. "What happened? Why am I here?"

Then much to my embarrassment the door swings open and in come his parents.

"Whats going on in- Oh..." Ms. Aspen says and I blanch.

"Is everything alright T- Oh..." Mr. Dante comes in and I am about ready to die.

"Well uh, Sorry for disturbing..I-" Ms. Aspen grabs Dante and pulls him out.

"Use a condom!" Was the last thing he yells and I jump off of Talon.

"Ew." I remark at his dad's comment and a look of hurt crosses his face before he covers it up. "Talon I didn't me-"

"You were drunk, get clean I'm taking you to Dory's." He gets up and I sigh as he opens his closet.

"What the fu-"


Well that's all for tonight lovies ♥

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote babies♥

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Lmao Gn loves♥♥


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