10√ Ten√ Dies

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Folly's POV

I wake up in a completely different place.

What the hell?

Frowning I slowly lift myself from the soft object that seemed to bear my weight last night. I was in a room.

Yea. No shii sherlock.

I was still in my clothes from last night.

Last night!





Swinging open the door, I match down the first lane I see, although I had no idea where I was going.

A staircase lead to downstairs and I have to say, this house is huge. Running down the stairs, I may have forgotten that Talon is a human and has parents.

Six pairs of eyes settle on me, frozen and I find myself freezing too. I instantly feel slight fear and as if noticing this Talon stands from his chair and walks over to me.

"Mom, dad, this is Folly, Folly this is my mom and dad." He says smiling widely but I only keep on frowning.

"Its nice to meet you Folly." The mom speaks up first and I hesitate before nodding and mumbling a quiet "thank you".

"Talon why don't you get her cleaned up, she can use some of your mom's clothes." The dad offers kindly.

"Oh excuse us, Our names are Aspen," She says pointing on herself. "And Dante."

Why are they just...keeping me in their house..

"I-Uh....I'm Folly." I repeat stupidly and Ms. Aspen smiles, but it's not sympathetic like I expected, it's humorous.... and beautiful. I watch as her brown hair moves slightly as cool breeze makes it way through the kitchen windows. Her figure wasn't slim, but she definitely wasn't fat. She was...pretty.

"Okay lets get you cleaned up." Talon says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"No." I argue.

"No?" All three of them say in unison and I blush.

"I'm not going to impose, I should get home now anyway." If anything happens to Talon and his family because of me..

"No, No. " Aspen says and I look at her crooking my head slightly. Something about her...

"That's nonsense. Plus honey, not to be negative but...have you seen your face?" Dante jokes but He quickly sobers up as Aspen slaps his shoulder, her eyes widening.

"Okay, lets go now." Talon says in a sing song voice and I slowly follow him still frowning.

"Can I...go back home?" I ask him looking everywhere else but at him.

"You want to go back to him?" He asks me grabbing my chin and I avert my eyes while nodding. "I guess I can't stop you then."

He places a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that looks around my size before leaving. He also left a brush and some shoes.

Looking around the room I find it a pale pink. It was beautiful, with ribbons tied into a neat bow on almost every item, kind of like the whole room was a gift.

Wonder what it would be like to have this...

Snapping out of my thoughts I slowly push open the door leading to the bathroom, I walk in and face the mirror nearly screaming at the sight before me. There was dried blood all over my face and my hair had little bits of dirt and grass in it. My shirt was a little torn up and there were little scrapes of blood on my jeans.

I looked horrific, is this really how they saw me?

Biting back the look of disgust and tears, I undressed slowly wincing at the moments of pain when my shirt or pants touches a bruise. When I'm butt naked, I slowly slide in the tub and open the tap letting the warm water caress me as it fills. I grimace and almost jump out of the tub as everywhere begins to burn. I keep quiet though, I'm used to this.


15 mins later and I'm cleaned, dressed and presentable.

After that extremely painful bath, I could barely even put on the clothes.

Talon comes in freshly dressed with keys in his hand.

"Hungry?" He asks, and I shake my head no. I just want to go...home. "Alrighty well...lets get going."

I follow the same route as before and wave at the Wrights.

"Are you sure you want to go back...after what happened..?" Aspen asks and I look at her confused. "Talon told us everything."


The betrayal.

I can feel him tense from behind me and I take a step forward.

"I assure that I'm fine Mrs. Wright, thanks for your assistance." I nod to both of them before leading.

"Aspen I-"

"Please just take me home Talon." He sighs and we both get into the vehicle.


Wonder where that is.

Folly (Editing) ✔Where stories live. Discover now