Chapter 27 - Truth's (Part Two.)

Start from the beginning

"Is that true?" She asked, almost wanting him to say no.

"Of course. I knew that Lily and James were losing their respect for me and their cores were becoming darker in colour, so I took the wand I stole from Voldemort and killed them. I knew that Harry was strong enough to survive the Killing Curse so I fired it at him, Voldemort's magic was all over the place so it was easy to frame him." Dumbledore said blankly.

"And Sirius Black?" Rita asked.

"He was innocent from the beginning, but he was Harry's Godfather and I needed the boy to go the Dursley family, the Ministry believed everything I told them and Sirius was placed behind bars without a trial." Dumbledore said also with no emotion.

Rita was so shocked at all of the information she was being given. "Its a shock isn't it?" Raphael said with a smile to the woman.

"Yes, what happened after that?" Rita asked.

"Well I found out that the member's who were loyal to me had left the Order and joined the dark, which is what I wanted to do. Once I proved that I was who I said, I was welcomed back with open arms and began my training, it wasn't long before Charlie came to me." Raphael said with a loving look to his mate.

"When the Submissive mate comes into the Inheritance the Dominant mate/s can sense, as soon as I sensed mine I left the Dragon Reserve and headed here, I was welcomed with open arm's and have been with Raphael since." Charlie said, also giving a loving look to Raphael in return.

"Anything else?" Rita asked, she had almost finished one of her notebooks with writing and she had a feeling more was to come.

"Well the Prophecy is fake." Tom said with a grimace.

Rita took a step back in shock. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"There was a Prophecy about me saying that only I would have the ability to finish the Dark Lord, only I had the power to do so. Turns out that I was one of the Horcrux's that Tom mad, it was unintentional though so even he did not know about it, that is why I could always see into his mind and he could cause pain when he was angry." Raphael explained turning soft eyes on his father.

"The only way one who has created a Horcrux can be killed is if the Horcrux/s were destroyed, Dumbledore wanted Raphael to sacrifice himself so the old man could kill me himself. That would bring back the fame he once had when he took down Gellert." Tom explained, he still had not forgiven himself for what he did to his own son during that time.

"If I had managed to kill Tom then Dumbledore would have killed me and took the fame that it would bring as well as the money." Raphael explained, he then turned to his father. "I do not blame you father, everything is blamed on the old man." Raphael said, he smiled when his father nodded at him.

"Is that true Dumbledore?" Rita asked shocked.

"Of course, the boy was too powerful to be kept alive either way. He would either sacrifice himself to save the world and then I could kill Voldemort myself, or he would kill Voldemort and I would kill him. Either way he would have been killed." Dumbledore explained, Rita looking at him as if she wanted to kill him.

"And the Prophecy? You created that Prophecy and then pretended it was real?" Rita asked, she hoped at least this bit was wrong.

"Of course not." Here Rita sighed in relief. "I had to have some help. Molly, Ginny, Arthur, Ron, Hermione and the Order helped to draft the words so they sounded like the real thing, it took a while longer then I thought it would." Dumbledore said, Rita breathed out when she heard this. Everything bad about Dumbledore had been true, everything about the good man he was had been a lie. 

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