Blind Sided

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A warped letter lays closed on Winter's desk. Her family has just started cleaning out her room. It's been a long year since her death. No one has found it yet. No one has gone into her room since. Her funeral was short and sweet, only close family. She was very loved. Mom and dad have gone back to work and Aiden has adjusted to being an only child.
     He graduates next year and has kept his promise. He is an honor role student with a perfect GPA. They go into Winter's room. Her pink walls now covered in dust and her bed sheets lay straight. The bed is made and nothing has been moved since the last time she entered her own room. Aiden goes to her desk. He finds the warped letter obviously warped by the tears she cried while writing it.
     He opens it to find a letter that will forever change his life. It will change the way he thinks about his sister's death a year ago.
Dear Family,
     I have spent weeks trying to write this letter. The words never seem to come until now. I know I am dying and I am okay with that. I know that my life will be cut short and that I won't see you for a while. I have made peace with it. You don't need to worry about me or fight it. I don't want you to cry and I don't want you to be sad. I want you to be happy because I am in a better place I am no longer hurting or in pain.
     I am no longer tired, weak, frail, or in a hospital room. Nightmares no longer scare me. They no longer lurk in my dreams.  I'm dancing, singing, and playing with other kids my age. I don't feel sadness or pain. I see you guys. I see Aiden achieving so much and keeping his promise. I see mom and dad going on as before. Just proves that everything I thought was wrong.
     I know Aiden quit wrestling and I understand why he did it. I don't want to be forgotten and I know I am not. I know that I will never be forgotten. For you guys, I just want all the best. I want mom and dad to be happy and stay married. I want Aiden to succeed. Settle down have a family, be the man I know he can be. But I want him to tell his kids about me as well.
     I want them to know how I painted his nails and how he did my hair. I want them to know how their aunt was a fighter. There is so much I wanted to ask you guys and I never got the chance. I want to know why mom is so picky about laundry, why Pluto is Aiden's favorite planet, and how dad did everything while I was sick. I miss wrestling and I miss my normal life.
     I miss school, I miss my friends, I miss movie nights, I miss the bone crushing hugs I got every night from dad when he got home. I miss it all, yet I wouldn't change it. I wouldn't change getting cancer or dying. I know that by having this illness it has made us stronger. I know that it is all worth it. How I know I don't know. I just know. Why it's worth it I have no clue. Maybe I was never meant to find out. That's okay. I don't know what to say.
     I just want you to know that I love you all. I will watch over you til the day we meet again. I look forward to that day and until then I will guide you and watch you guys move on. It was hard at first because you guys struggled. As time goes on it gets easier. Don't give up. Keep going. Dream big, make life worth it. Don't stop living because I did. I put up a good fight. Don't forget that I will watch you.
     Don't forget that I'm still there with you no matter what. I won't forget you and all the memories we had. I know you won't forget me and I want you to know that the monsters are only scary if you let them scare you.
                          With love,
      Aiden holds the letter close. His sister did put a fight. She was never scared. Their mom had always told her that monsters are only real, they are only scary if you let them be real, if you let them scare you.
      Winter, she didn't let anyone scare her and she didn't let cancer scare her. He hugs the tear stained letter to his chest and looks up.
     Tears in his eyes he blinks. He looks at the ceiling wishing it was the sky. He imagines that Winter is looking at him and smiling. He blinks away his tears and smiles.
     "Pluto is my favorite because it reminds me of you."

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