.oOo. Leo .oOo.

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I kicked my feet mindlessly as I sat on top of the cornucopia. My hands fidgeted with a few wires I pulled from my tool belt-- which the gods had put in the cornucopia-- twisting them as if they had a mind of their own.

"Hey, Valdez!" Marvel jabbed the blunt end of his spear. "Get down here."

Using the suitcase-like boxes as steps, I jumped down from the top. "'Sup?"

Marvel scowled. "We need a lookout. Don't wander off, don't fall asleep, and don't set off the mines. We'll be back." It was more a threat than a command.

I rolled my eyes. "Why do I miss out on all the fun?" I complained. "I can kill people just as easily as you."

Marvel laughed at that. "That's hilarious." He walked off.

I sighed and plopped down on a crate of medical supplies. "This is so borrriiiiiinnnnnggggggggg," I complained loudly.

"Shut up or you're dead," Clove warned as she stalked past me.

"Yessir." I mock saluted.

Hazel, take me alongggggg!

You know I can't, Hazel sounded annoyed. In our group, Cato makes the decisions.

Cato the drakon butt, I whined. It's so boring just waiting for you guys to stop killing everyone.

Make a weapon or something, Hazel suggested. Or at least do something that'll keep you from whining at me every time we leave.

Cato won't like that, I said in an annoying voice.

He likes your grumbling even less, Hazel shot back. I'm surprised he hasn't killed you in your sleep yet.

You sound disappointed.

You noticed?

Whatever, I rolled my eyes. I'll just eat all the food, then. Or set fire to it. That seems like a great idea.

You do you, I'll do me. I watched as Hazel's connection vanished, leaving my mind alone for the time being. I looked down at the little bug that I had unconsciously made. It flapped tiny bronze wings and hummed. I grinned and set it on the ground "Go free, little guy."

I watched it fly into the air, a tiny bronze speck, before climbing back up on the cornucopia, ready for another afternoon of boredom.

.oOo. Nico .oOo.

I reappeared in the huntress tent again, still in the crouch I vanished in. As always, the five tributes that I saved gave a little start-- all except for Lodi, who was slightly used to it. She adapted quickly.

"Just checking in," I said, glancing around. Wounds healed nicely, no one had burned up, and no monsters were around as far as I could tell. It helped that the huntress tent gave off a hostile vibe and monsters had learned to avoid the tent, not to mention that none of the tributes knew they were demigods yet so their scent was weaker.

"What's going on?" A voice interrupted my train of thought. Kalex. His brown eyes bore into mine, and he stood up with a shaky determination.

I hesitated. "I can't tell you yet."

"We were chosen to be tributes in the Hunger Games, then something happened in the bloodbath and now we're here because of your fancy magic powers. I think we have a right to know what's going on," he demanded. The other four tributes nodded.

I sighed. Thalia, I might be a while. Get comfortable. "Alright," I said. "I'll tell you a little. But you can't know everything, because it's too dangerous. But basically, nine of the tributes this year-- including me-- are not normal tributes. We were sent here by-- I can't tell you yet, but basically we're not from the districts. We were sent here to help you. We're out here because you needed to escape the arena to go to the place where it's safe. But we have to wait for the others before we can go there."

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