.oOo. Percy .oOo.

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I opened my eyes and looked around, momentarily confused. All I remember was a gold light hitting me, then a feeling like acid washing over me, burning away my body. Suddenly, the memory of the quest returned. I patted my pocket and felt three things. Riptide, the bronze disk, and the vial, which now formed a two inch lump in my pocket. Remembering Apollo's advice, I uncorked it and drank it in one gulp. It felt like electricity was traveling through my veins into my skull. Suddenly, I heard voices.

'We can wait. I feel like all the boys forgot or something.'

'Just be patient. Males are forgetful creatures.'

'Creatures?' I interrupted.

'Percy! Thank the gods. Where on earth are you?' Annabeth sounded frantic.

'Not sure. Did you guys check the thingys Athena and Hephaestus made?'

'Hey, is this working?' Jason's voice joined us.

'I think so. Where is everyone? They didn't mention this.'

'Oh wait a second. Leo? Is that you over there? No, turn to your left. The other left. Yeah, just past that building. You see me?'

'Wait, why do you get to be with Annabeth, Leo? Not fair,' I complained.

'Well, I see Thalia,' Frank said. Hazel gave a slight grunt of annoyance.

'I don't see anyone. Is anyone in a really dirty place with cement buildings everywhere?' Piper asked.

'Yeah. It smells like fish here,' I replied, looking around. 'I don't see you guys though.'

'Check the discs. They explain a lot,' Annabeth advised everyone. I pulled out mine.

The map side was empty right now, just a flat blank circle. The other side located everyone.

District 1 (Gems): Hazel
District 3 (Tech): Leo and Annabeth
District 4 (Fishing): Percy
District 5 (Electricity): Jason
District 6 (Transportation): Nico
District 8 (Clothes): Piper
District 10 (Livestock): Frank and Thalia

(A/N: I wanted Foxface in this so Thalia's not with Jason)

'Livestock?' Thalia asked, disgruntled.

'Transportation?' Nico said at the same time.

'Fish deaths?' I yelled in my head. 'Do the gods think this is funny?'

'At least you're not in the clothes district,' Piper complained.

'But that makes sense for you,' Thalia argued back. 'Aphrodite and all, but Zeus and Artemis have nothing to do with livestock!'

&Stop complaining and read step two! I'm assuming you're all  just sitting on the sidewalk staring into the distance,' Annabeth said. I looked around. True to her word, I'd just been staring at nothing for the past ten minutes.

I sighed. Then a thought struck me. 'Wait. Does anyone see other people?'

'No... Wait. There's this big crowd that way.'

'Check the disks.'

'A bunch of people are walking this way.'

'Check the disks!'

'My place is normal, but it's kind of quiet. I see people though.'

'Check the freaking disks!' Annabeth screamed.

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