.oOo. Thalia .oOo.

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My eyes adjusted to the bright lights in contrast to the dimness of the hallway, and I stared at the training center. Or what was supposed to be it.

There was no training part at all, from the looks of it, it was basically just a 'here-take-this-pointy-sword-and-we-will-see-if-you-kill-yourself' kind of environment. A set of silver bow and quiver was up against a rack, but it seemed overly sleek with not much grip and not very sturdy.

I glanced over at Frank. Apparently, he was having the same thoughts.

Then I realized that the lady in the center was talking, not that I really cared. I got the general idea- don't kill anyone. We have plenty of time for that in the arena.

'What are we supposed to do?' Frank asked as the lady released us. I glanced over to where the 'career tributes' were supposedly sparring dangerously, except for the fact that the blades were too heavy, their stance was unbalanced, and the movements were jerky. I guessed they just grabbed the heaviest swords they could find without checking for the proper weight.

'We obviously can't spar,' Jason said, and I nodded even though he couldn't see me. 'Or do any weapon-like skills.'

'Just go work on survival skills and stuff,' Annabeth said. 'I dunno, try the obstacle course or something. Or work on the poisonous plants and stuff-- that's one of the basic things we didn't cover at the camps. Just don't chat with each other too easily.'

Frank shrugged and we made our way over. Out in my peripheral vision, I could see Percy and Hazel sparring with each other, in excruciating slowness. All part of the act, I thought bitterly.

The time droned on as Frank and I hopped from station to station, careful not to interact with the other demigods too much.

"Do you want to move on?" Frank asked in a bored tone as we set a basic knot once more. The trainer, as excited as he was before to see us on his station, was barely looking at us anymore.

"No," I replied, neatly executing a sweetheart knot. "I'd rather stay here and tie knots forever."

"I'm going to the fire starting station," Frank announced, and I looked up in surprise.

"The fire starting station?" I repeated, and he nodded.

"I mean, I'm going to have to light one in the arena anyways, won't I?" He went on before I could reluctantly admit he was right. "So I'd rather start it here, where there are people to make sure it doesn't get out of hand, and get the technique down rather than risk it in the middle of the arena. It's safer here."

I thought about it before nodding and standing up. "Sure," I said. "But make sure you don't accidentally set your lifeline on fire."

Frank grinned and patted the inner band of his jeans, where his firewood was tucked away in the fireproof pouch Leo made for him. "Don't worry," he said. "I've got my backup. I'll be fine."

He wasn't fine. The first time a flame licked from his hands, he scrambled back in a smooth roll right off the platform. I stifled a laugh at his pale face, but he crawled back on, looking determined.

"I need to master this," he said firmly. I shrugged and sat back, content to let him do all the work. I knew how to start a quick fire anyways.

'You've got to be kidding me,' Hazel's worried voice echoed in my head. I glanced over and saw that Hazel was taking a break, leaning up against a sword that was short in comparison to her cavalry sword, but long for a normal sword. Hazel saw her looking and pointed to Frank. 'He's playing with fire?'

'Not playing with fire,' Frank said to Hazel. 'I'm learning how to do it properly so it doesn't go berserk when I actually have to make one.'

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