Chapter 21 decision

Start from the beginning

Shoot how did he know just when i was about to talk back I heard sounds coming from down the stairs that leads to where we are .

And judging from kid eyes he heard them too

"Well I guess that's my cue see you soon sweetheart "

He approached me again but this time he pinned me to the door and leaned in .... CLOSER ...... CLOSER ...... Oh no I'm frozen

"By the way your dress tonight is just splendid and shows a great view "

He whispered In my ear and I blushed a tons of strawberry

"And 1 last thing don't accept "

He kissed my hand and jumped from the rooftop while I was still frozen until


"Ow ow ow god that hurts thanks shin-Chan "

I said sarcastically while rubbing my forehead and getting of the ground

"Sh*t I missed him AGAIN !!"

I ignored him while the group was behind Shinichi

What did he mean by don't accept?
Don't accept what???

"Sakura-chan what is that ?"

Ran pointed at my chest why would she point there ?


Ok now I was really confused I looked where they were all looking and there I saw .............. The brooch OMG !!!!! That's  why he ...... He .....

"Great view "

Why that perverted jerk !!!!!!!!

"From ya reaction ya didn't know right?" Heiji asked with his Osaka accent

I nodded

"Wait so if you didn't pin the brooch on you who did ?"

Aoko asked and I wish she didn't

"Don't tell me it's .." Shinichi started

"Hmmm yep it must be him haha " Sonoko laughed

"My poor Sakura why must he pin it there and not somewhere else ?" Why thanks kazuha I feel much better with your statement

"So the one who pined the brooch on Sakura is -" heiji blushed

"KAITOUUUUUUU KID!!!!!!!!!!! "

I shouted I was sooooo red from both anger and embarrassment

Worst day of my life !!!!!

We all went back in the ball room to give back the brooch to lady arika.

"Why thank you sooooo much sweetheart " she said

"Your welcome " I said rudely

When I hear the word 'sweetheart '
I become mad as in really mad

"Excuse her she's just angry that she didn't catch the thief " shinichi thanks for defending me

"Sakuraaaaa ! " a familiar voice called me

" hey Kai so you changed outfits hahaha see we told you they won't let in dressed like that"

"For your in formation shin only Sakura told me that nee Sakura-chan "

Kaito said as he put his arm on my shoulder

"Yeah whatever " I was still angry I was humiliated arghhhh I pushed his arm away and walked near the drink stall .

They followed me.

"What's wrong with her ? " he asked 

"Eummmmm well ... " shinichi whispered in kairos ears and guess what ?

He laughed what a .. a...ARGHHH

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I ..... Wish ..I was .... There ... To see ....your face !!!!"

He said between laughs that idiot

"Hey Baka when you finished laughing your butt off  would you please tell me how in the world you got that tuxedo not to mention it's grey almost the same color as that jerkass "

"Oh that Ji-chan lend me it  hahaha"

He laughed awkwardly

"Anyway I won't forgive kid wait till we're again ILL KILL HIM AND BURRY HIM ALIVE THEN BRING HIM BACK AND BURN HIM TO ASHES AND-"

"Ms Sakura Kuroba ?"

Some one cutted me when I turned to face that 'someone '

"Oh inspector nakamori do you need something? Want a drink?"

I asked politely

"Ah no thank you I wanted to talk with you you again proved your talent of a detective today  since you got the jewel back again for the second time so I was hoping that maybe you already decided  so do you accept to work with us and stop kaitou kid ?"

Shall I accept ???

'Don't accept '

Arghh his voice is still in my head there's only one way for me to forget about him and get him out of my life and that is too .....

"Sir I don't think my sister is suited for this job she-"

"I accept inspector " I cut him off

"WHAT !!!!!" The whole group shouted

"What ? You guys even said that I should do it why did you guys change all of a sudden ?"

"It's not that but we're shocked we thought you hated the idea " kazuha said

"Well do you know who I hate most of all that thief kaitou kid by accepting I'll get my revenge hahaha " I laughed evilly .

"Great ms Kuroba I'll wait for you tomorrow after school at my office see you tomorrow "

He left

We went home but the whole way Kaito was silent he didn't say a word not did he looked at us he kept his gaze on the ground.

Here's another chapter for you hope you like it

See you in the next one bye bye 😘💖✋🏻✌🏻️

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