Chapter Sixteen

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Many years ago…

I was sitting in the nursery while holding baby Ruby. She was perfect. Robin made his way into the room to join us. "Me see Ruby," Robin said happily. I smiled and sat on the floor. Robin smiled and reached for his little sister. She cooed and smiled at her brother in response. "Ruby!"

"You really like being a big brother, don't you sweetie?" Robin nodded eagerly. He reached for her little hand. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Robin and Ruby were holding hands, smiling away with the look of joy on their faces.

"So, you going to tell me who her father is," Qrow piped up. I looked up from the children to my lover. I sighed and my happiness was sucked out of me.

"Qrow, if I tell you, you're just going to go after the man. You're always going out and getting drunk. In a drunken stupor, you'd just do something you'll regret in the long run." He let out a disgruntled huff. With that, he left. I sighed solemnly. I wish Qrow would come back to me.

"Papa?" I looked down at Robin to see him looking for his father.

"He went out for a bit. He'll be back later sweetheart." Robin's expression changed completely. He wanted his father. Ruby needed a father. I just want Qrow to accept the little girl.


I downed another large whiskey, signalling the bartender for a refill. Begrudgingly he poured me another drink. "Shouldn't you be at home with your family," someone questioned.

"What family?" I looked up to find Tai standing beside me.

"Haven't you had enough, Qrow?" I snorted and downed the whiskey again. I signalled for a refill, but the bartender refused. I got pissed.

"Give me another damn drink man!"

"You've had enough sir. You had six large whiskeys tonight alone. I think it's time for you to leave." I slammed the glass on the bar counter and kicked the stool, storming out of the bar.

"Qrow, wait up!" Tai was following me out of the bar. I growled and swung a punch at him. "Qrow, calm down."

"Don't tell me what to do, traitor!" I now knew that Tai was the baby's father. How could he do this to me?

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me! You got Summer pregnant while I was away on a mission!" I threw another punch at him. Tai grabbed my hand and countered my attack. I was staring up at him while I laid flat on my back.

"You're right, Qrow. I did and it was a mistake. I didn't expect Summer to get pregnant. It was a surprise to the both of us. Summer never said anything because she knew what you would do to the man who conceived her child." Tai then reached out his hand to help me up. I took it, only to punch him in the nose. "Happy now?"

"Actually, yeah. I am."

"Just because I'm the biological father to Ruby doesn't mean you can't be her father. Be the father that I know I couldn't be, Qrow." Then I snapped out of it. Wait, what? "Take care of her for me. Take care of them all." Tai then took his leave to head back home. I stood there dumbfounded.

"What the fuck just happened," I questioned softly.

At the house…

I walked in the door, grabbing a glass of water. The house was quiet. Maybe everyone is taking a nap. Once I drank the water, I walked upstairs to the nursery. There was little Ruby asleep in the crib. I stood there, looking down at her. Carefully, I picked her up and held her in my arms. She didn't stir. She was perfect. My anger began to wash away as I held the girl. She looked a lot like Summer. "I promise to protect you, Ruby."

Present day…


I was standing at dad's grave. My hood was pulled over my head as the wind gently blew my cape behind me. Weiss was standing beside me, her hand holding mine. "I still miss him, Weiss."

"I know you do. He was good to you and your siblings." My wife did her best to comfort me. The wind blew my hood off, revealing my face painted with tear streaks. Weiss took me into her embrace and held me tight as I cried. "Come on. Let's go home. I'll make you some fresh chocolate chip cookies and warm milk. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great, Weiss. Thank you," I said softly. We kissed and walked away, hand in hand. "Goodbye dad. I miss you every day."

The Secret She Kept (Raven Branwen x Male Reader) *Being Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now