Chapter Four

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Many years ago...

I sat on my bed with my sketchbook standing against my thighs. A pencil was pinched between my fingers, the eraser tapping against my knee as I contemplated on what to draw. Then (Y/n) popped into my mind again. My heart went pitter-patter in my chest when his face came to life in my head. I began to draw him, just as I see him. An angel in disguise among humans and Faunus alike. He was like a god. The pencil flowed over the thick parchment in the sketchbook. I lost the sense of time. I was so in-tuned with what I was doing. Little did I know, I had an audience.

"Whatcha drawing," Summer chirped. I jumped out of my skin, drawing an unnecessary line on the page.

"Fuck. Summer, what did you do that for," I groaned. She shrugged her shoulders and glued her gaze at the page.

"Is that my brother?"

"Uh, no." I blushed brightly and swiftly shut my sketchbook to hide the evident truth that it was her brother. I put my sketchbook away by hiding it under my pillow. Summer cocked her head as she looked at me quizzically. "Summer, just forget about it." I got up from my bed and left the room, shutting the door behind me. I leaned against the wall outside of my dorm's door, sighing deeply while running my hands over my face. Voices of my team seep through the drywall.

"Where's Raven," Tai inquired.

"Just walked out of the room," Summer answered.

"Probably went to go find someone else to fuck," Qrow groaned.

"QROW!" Why does my brother always assume that when I leave the room, I immediately go looking for someone to fuck?

"What? That's all she does," my brother added.

"I don't think that's true. Raven is...complicated," Tai contributed. I'm complicated? Well, I guess Tai's right. I'm a difficult person.

"You clearly don't know my sister."

"I don't need to know her to know that she can do whatever she wants to. She's an independent woman, Qrow." Independent woman? Am I really?

"Ha! That's real funny Tai. Where did you get your sense of humor? Comedy class?" Qrow was starting to challenge our teammate.

"Tai, Qrow. Just calm down," Summer interjected.

"Pfft. Whatever," my brother answered. That was when the conversation went quiet. With that, I left. My feet quietly dragged on the carpeted hallway floor while my head hung low. Everything around me was a blur. People were like ghosts as they walked by.

I don't know how long I walked for. All I know is that I ended up outside of a fight club. Sounded like something was going on inside. So, I went to take a look. A crowd of people were cheering. Fists colliding with thick flesh echoed in the air from the smacking of skin on skin. For a place that looks like a dump on the outside looks pretty decent on the inside. When I got closer to where the fight was happening, I couldn't believe my eyes. (Y/n)? What was he doing here? He already had a black eye. How long has he been fighting for? Does Summer know about this?

The bell sounded for the end of the round. His opponent was on the ground, bleeding and heaving, while (Y/n) remained standing victorious. "Who's next to fight the Iceman," the announcer bellowed. Was he serious? No one said anything. It was quiet. I don't know what came over me.

"I will," I called out. Everyone looked to me, laughing at me as if I was joking. I wasn't though. I was being dead serious. The crowd split and gave me an opening to walk straight for the ring. (Y/n) didn't have a clue to who his next opponent was. Maybe he will be surprised by my appearance. Once I stepped into the ring, I could tell that he was shocked to see me.

The Secret She Kept (Raven Branwen x Male Reader) *Being Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now