Chapter One

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Many years ago...

I laid in bed, the covers strewn carelessly over my body, and stared at the ceiling. It was Saturday and I usually sleep in, but for some reason, I couldn't today. It irritated me. My chest heaved as I sighed. Eventually I threw the covers off of me and sat up, rubbing my face and running my fingers through my hair. My partner was still sound asleep. A soft chuckle rumbled in my chest. Turk was always a strange sleeper. Then again, maybe it's because of his Faunus heritage. His back was curved and twisted, head facing the opposite side of the room on his pillow, one arm draped over the side of the bunk and the other wrapped around his head, and his legs in the strangest configuration that I would think would be uncomfortable. The rest of my team was already awake. Raye was stretching his wings from the night. He usually sleeps on his stomach so he doesn't injure or irritate his broad wings. Skyler was still laying in bed, but was on his scroll.

My jaw extended as I released a yawn. My body felt sore and stiff, so I stretched my body in different ways to relieve the tension. Several cracks popped from my body. "That's gross," Raye commented. I rolled my eyes and threw on a shirt. "You know that by cracking your bones and body, you'll have problems later on in life, right?"

"That's just superstition," I remarked.

"Don't come crying to me if you feel like an old man by the time you're thirty," Raye added.

"Do I look like the kind of guy that would cry and whine, Raye?" My teammate just shrugged his shoulders and threw on a tank top. "Who's turn is it to wake up twinkle toes?" Raye pointed to Skyler, who then looked at us.

"Fuck you guys," Skyler grumbled. He threw the covers off, his scroll placed in his pocket, and jumped down from his bed. His feet thudded against the floor. The sound of the heavy footsteps didn't stir our teammate. Man, Turk is one heavy sleeper. Skyler grabbed the airhorn from the side table drawer. He raised his arm, finger on the trigger, and prepared himself. Raye and I blocked our ears. Then the horn blew. Turk jumped out of his skin. He actually fell off the bed and landed on Skyler. "Oh come on!" Raye and I just bursted out laughing. I swear that was the funniest yet.

"Seriously guys? Why the airhorn," Turk whined.

"Because why not," Raye replied. Turk rolled his eyes and got off of Skyler.

"Thanks. I swear you've gotten heavier since the last time you fell on me."

"You calling me fat?!" Raye and I blew a raspberry as we resumed laughing.

"No. It's quite obvious that you're not. I think it's just muscle gain." Skyler got off of the floor and crossed his arms, shooting a glare at Turk. I swear they will never get along.

The rest of us got changed and got ready for class. Raye absolutely hated wearing the uniform. He always complained about how it ruins his plumage. I mean, I don't say I blame him. Turk was always ready to tear the thing off and shred it to pieces. Turk felt like he was suffocating every time he put it on. Skyler didn't complain much. Then again, Skyler never really talks much outside of the dorm room. He's the more silent type of guy.

As we walked the halls, someone threw something at me. It was cold and powder like. I grumbled as I brushed the crystal remnants off of my uniform. I heard another one being thrown. Before it could reach me, I used my semblance and turned into a ball of hail rather than snow. Then I chucked it back. "Aw c'mon," someone whined. A loud thud hit the floor. The four of us turned around to find our friend rubbing the back of his head. "You're no fun (Y/n)."

I reached out my hand to help him up. "Who said I was in the first place," I joked with a smirk. Silver just chuckled. Silver and I go way back. We've been friends since we were just kids. When we went through the initiation exam, we hoped that we would be oj the same team or at least partners. Of course, things didn't go in our favor. Silver became a member of team DUST. The rest of his team soon showed up.

"Get your arse kicked again," Silver's partner joked.

"Ha ha," Silver groaned sarcastically. Duke was a weird guy. How the two of them ended up as partners will never be known. I've asked how it happened. Silver always avoids it. I guess it was embarrassing or something. There was Umber and Tyra as well. They seemed like complete opposites of each other, but they work really well together. Hardly need to say a word to communicate with each other in the field. I just feel sorry for them since they have these two knuckleheads on their team. I bet it isn't easy being the only girls on the team and probably carrying the weight of it too.

The eight of us walked to class together. Turk kept clawing at his collar and wanted to lose the tie. God, he was hopeless. "Turk, will you stop? You're just going to ruin your uniform," Raye groaned.

"Hey, I feel like a domesticated cat here with this shit on!" We all rolled our eyes.

"Turk, I swear you're still just a child in a young adult's body. Will you grow up," Skyler added. It was nice to hear my teammate contribute to the conversation rather than be silent.

"Have you ever worn a collar before, Skyler? I have and it's not fun," Turk remarked.

"What? A kinky girlfriend," Silver pondered. Turk shot him a glare.

"No, nothing like that. People thought it would be a good idea to use Faunus as pets since we're discriminated in society. So, I was a 'pet' throughout my childhood." I knew the story already. The others had no idea the trauma Turk was put through. Maybe Skyler and Raye understood how Turk felt, but I don't know for sure. For all I know, they don't really particularly care.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. I hope I didn't offend you with the kinky girlfriend comment," Silver apologized.

"It's alright. You didn't offend me. You'd be surprised how many people have said the same thing over the years." With that, the conversation ended just as we reached the classroom door. We headed in and took our seats. Time for another boring class of Port reminiscing on his past rather than him actually teaching us something.

Present day...

I sat on the cliff's edge and watched the sunset. My scythe was strapped to my back. In my hand was a flask that contained watered down vodka. I wasn't one really for alcohol, but one of the things I picked up from Qrow many years ago when we were young. I capped the flask and put it away, only to take out my scroll. I opened it up and went to my saved pictures. Through the sea of pictures, I found the one I was looking for. It was Yang's eighteenth birthday. Her smile was so bright and full of life. I missed her everyday since I left for my journey. "I promise Yang, I'll be home soon."

As it got darker out, I began to set up camp. Under a tree is where I unrolled my bedroll. Nearby I set up a fire to keep warm during the night and to make myself some dinner. Needed to keep my energy up. After all, who knows how long I'll be on this journey.

The Secret She Kept (Raven Branwen x Male Reader) *Being Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now