Chapter Fourteen

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Many years ago...

Qrow was over with little Robin. Summer has been...difficult. My brother-in-law and I sat contently on the porch with a bottle of beer in hand. Raven was playing with Yang and Robin in the new sandbox that Qrow helped me with. "This is the life," Qrow sighed with content. He took a swig from his bottle.

"That it is. It's nice to see Robin again. He always enjoys playing with Yang." Qrow nodded in agreement. "So, what's the real reason to your visit?" Qrow knew that I caught on.

"I just had to get out of the house. Things haven't been too good, if I have to be honest." I looked at him with concern and curiosity. Qrow took a huge gulp before continuing. "It's like Summer doesn't want to take care of Robin. I don't know if she's depressed or if there's something else going on that she's not telling me about. It breaks my heart to see my son not get his mother's love. I don't know what to do (Y/n)." I took a swig from my bottle.

"You want me to talk to her?" Qrow looked at me with a sense of shock almost. "She's my sister after all. Maybe I can break through to her. Besides, I haven't seen her since the accident," I said, motioning my stub.

"That would be great, (Y/n). Thank you," Qrow said with gratitude. I nodded and we both took to the bottle.

The next day...

"I'm going to visit Summer," I spoke. Raven looked up from feeding Yang.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I understand why Raven was concerned.

"I have no other choice. Something's wrong and I have a feeling that she'll open up to me." I walked over to her and bestowed a kiss, followed by kissing Yang's forehead. "She's my sister, Raven. I know Qrow would do the same thing if you were in Summer's position." She nodded and kissed me again. Then I left.

Qrow's house...

I knocked on the front door, only to have Qrow answer it. "(Y/n), come in!" He stood to the side to let me in. I bowed my head in thanks. "She's upstairs. I'll keep Robin with me down here."

"Thanks, Qrow. I promise to figure this out." He nodded and left the room. I headed up the stairs and walked down the hall until I reached the bedroom door. I knocked lightly.

"Go away Qrow," Summer grumbled.

"It's me, Summer," I answered. Silence. Then there were soft footsteps coming towards the door, only to have it slightly open to reveal Summer. "Can I come in?"

"Fine." The door opened and she allowed me to enter the room. The door shut behind me. "What do you want, (Y/n)?" She sounded bitter.

"I came here to talk to you. Qrow's worried about you, Sum." She let out a scoff.

"So he sends you to do his dirty work. I see how it is," she growled. My sister crossed her arms in pure rage.

"Actually, he didn't. I came here because I'm worried about you. Qrow has been telling me that you haven't been taking care of Robin." Her eyes flew open.

"Excuse me?!"

"Summer, you don't spend time with your own son. Qrow has been working his ass off to be there for him. Qrow hasn't been on any missions since Robin was born. He's taken time off to take care of your son. What's going on? Why don't you spend time with your little boy?"

"Because I screwed up," Summer shouted. She...screwed up? "I made a mistake, (Y/n). I was acting like a child. I was irresponsible. Now I don't know what to do." Tears began to fill her beautiful silver eyes. I walked over to my sister and embraced her. Summer immediately broke down in tears.

"It's okay, Sum. It's okay." We just stood there in silence in each other's embrace. Summer just cried. Eventually, she calmed down. I helped wipe her tears away.

"Thanks." I smiled at her, followed by ruffling her hair. "(Y/N)!" I just laughed at her. She always hated it when I did that.

"Now, why don't we head downstairs to join Qrow and Robin? Hm?" Summer gave me a soft smile and nodded. Together, we headed downstairs. Qrow was surprised to see Summer out of the bedroom. Then Robin spotted her, reaching for her. Summer looked at me for guidance. I gently motioned my head towards Robin, telling her that it was okay. With a deep breath, Summer walked over to the boy. To everyone's surprise, she picked him up and held him close. Summer broke down in tears as she held her little boy in her arms for the first time in months. Qrow came to my side.

"Thank you for your help, (Y/n). It's good to see her back to her old self," Qrow softly stated.

"Yeah, it sure is."

Present day...


The night grew long. Everyone is laughing, having a good time, being a family. I looked around the room, seeing the photographs decorating the walls. Everyone looked so happy. I was brought back to everything around me when someone touched my leg. I looked down, seeing a little boy standing before me. (Y/n) leaned over and picked up the boy. He sat happily on (Y/n)'s lap. "Can you tell us a story, grandpa?" (Y/n) laughed.

"What do you want to hear this time?" This time? How many stories has he told?

"How did you meet grandma?"

"That was way back. God, where to start. I went to the ceremony after the initiation to support my baby sister..."

"Hey! I'm not a baby! I'm only a year younger than you," Summer interjected.

"...I remember Ozpin calling out their names. When I heard Raven's name, I became intrigued. Raven Branwen. My sister was lucky to have such a teammate. Although, the Branwen twins were well-known. Of course, I left my sister alone to adjust to her new life at Beacon."

"But how did you meet," River repeated.

"You're so impatient, River. I was at a fight being held in a club. I was the top fighter then. Raven actually came in one night to see what was going on. She even volunteered to fight against me. That was the first time we really interacted with each other. Of course, I won. Raven was all over the place when she fought me. After that fight, I got my cut and then we walked together. We didn't go back to the school that night." I tapped his chest. He was implying to our little fun that night, even in the morning. Thinking about it made my heart flutter. "That's how I really met your grandma." Falcon then walked over and climbed up onto the couch. He curled up beside me and laid his head on my lap. I don't know if he was tired.

"You feeling okay?" My son looked up at me and shook his head. He had this glassy look in his eyes. Falcon only gets that look when his semblance was going to act up. I couldn't put my family in danger. "I'm sorry, but we have to go." Everyone looked at us.

"Go? You just got here," Yang commented. I picked up Falcon and started to walk to the door. (Y/n) grabbed my arm, stopping me. The look in (Y/n)'s eyes scared me, as I was scaring him.

"Please, let us go. It's for your own safety," I whispered fearfully. Falcon began to groan in my arms and shake violently. "Falcon, baby. Listen to mommy's voice, sweetie. Listen to my voice." (Y/n) let go of my arm and I immediately fled outside. "Falcon, calm down sweetie. Please, calm down!" It was no use. He couldn't hear my voice. His semblance had taken over. The remaining light in the world was sucked away. Grimm began to gather as Falcon's power began to increase. I was terrified. He hasn't gotten like this before.

As the Grimm circled closer to us, the more Falcon's power increased. This was bad. I couldn't do anything. Then one thing came to mind. It wasn't the best idea, but I was out of options. I got up and ran at the Grimm, weaponless. I had to protect my son by all means necessary. "Raven!" I deliberately let the Grimm attack me. I was tossed around brutally. Soon, the Grimm grew tired of me, leaving me to bleed out on the ground. "Raven, no! Raven!" My vision began to fade and my breathing was garbled. "RAVEN!"

The Secret She Kept (Raven Branwen x Male Reader) *Being Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now