Monty Imagine for Chelsey

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Here you go chelseywantstobattle  , I hope that you like it! Quick note to my readers: I have finals week and a lot of school activities after that. I'll still take requests, but they'll take may take a while to complete.

Being Jeff Atkins' little sister meant that you saw Monty a lot. Ever since your older brother (by 1 year btw) entered school, he and Monty have been inseparable.

Monty and Jeff, the dynamic duo of Liberty High
(they're best friends in this imagine). Nothing or no one could tear them apart, their bromance is indestructible. #Jontyforlife they'd say, and caption all the Instagram posts of them being partners in crime.

But how would Jeff feel if Monty was dating his fraternal twin sister Chelsey? Would he be flattered that his best friend chose someone that is basically him in female form? Or would he be pissed that his player friend would dare date his sister? These questions ran through Monty's mind every time that he thought of telling Jeff the truth.

But he had hoped that Jeff would be happy for him, and he felt bad for hiding the truth from his best friend.

To lessen the guilt he would tell Jeff details about his mystery girl, and how she made him feel like a changed man.

Monty still felt reluctant to mention that he was with Chelsey, but Jeff was getting curious.

"So who is this mystery girl that you keep telling me about. We used to tell eachother everything but you haven't even told me her name. Are you afraid that she'd like me more." Jeff said with a smirk during the last sentence.

"I'm definitely not worried about that last part dude. It'd be pretty disgusting if she liked you more than me." Monty admitted.

"C'mon dude, it wouldn't be the first time that a girl was attracted to me. I've got game, on and off the court." Jeff said.

"Well.... I've actually been dating Chelsey." Monty said.

"I want to be happy for you but I also want to hate you right now. I protect my sister from guys like you, you should've known that this would hurt me."

"Guys like me? Yeah I used to be quite a fvckboy but I've changed. She's changed me. If it makes you feel better, we haven't had sex."

"Thank god. How long has this been going on?"

"3 months."

"Normally you get a girl in bed in one night, thanks for not making my sister one of your one night stands."

"It's different when you find the right girl. She makes me happy dude. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, I want her to know that she's special. I think that I love her man."

"At first I was ready to fight you Monty. But I want you to be happy, and I want her to be happy. And if your happiness happens to be eachother, then I have to accept that."

"That means the world to me Jeff."

The duo bro hugged, which was Chelsey's cue to walk in.

She walked directly to Monty, and embraced him in a tight hug.

"I love you too Monty." She said.

They then hugged again, not wanting to push it with Jeff, who was still letting the news sink in.

"Aww you two are cute. I always thought that Monty and I would end up together, close enough." Jeff said, laughing after the second part.

"She may be your twin, but you and her look nothing alike." Monty said

"So when are we gonna go on a double date?" Chelsey asked.

"As soon as I turn soft like my homie Monty." Jeff said.

The end.

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