Dating Alex Would Include

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- Going to the same restaurant often because Alex wants to conquer the entire menu.
- Alex always making sure to be really respectful because he still feels bad about the thing with Bryce's list, and he wants you to know that he's changed.
- Encouraging Alex to rejoin the band because he's actually pretty talented and you can tell that he does miss it.
- Going to art galleries (Alex would definitely love art) and Alex saying "These paintings are beautiful, but you're the finest work of art that I've ever seen."
- Encouraging Alex to make more friends because he's too pure for his current jock friends. (Honestly I don't hate Zach and Justin's group but I felt like Alex didn't really fit in with them.)
- Being straightforward and blunt like Alex, that's how you stood out to him in the first place.
- Cuddling with Alex. I feel like he'd alternate between being the big spoon and the little spoon.
- Alex getting you sunflowers because roses are too typical/cliché and Alex is anything but cliché.
- watching rom coms with Alex bc he's a softie.
- You and Alex both having a sweet tooth so he'd drive you to really vintage looking candy shops. "We'll come here often so we can try one of everything."
- Taking candid photos of Alex and him saying "I wasn't ready." to which you'd reply "But you're still cute babe."
- Alex having you listen to all his favorite albums in record form because "Vinyl just sounds better babe."
-Alex having a really good taste in music (oldies, indie, alternative, and a bit of punk rock) and always taking over the aux cord in the car.
- he'd call you babe

I hope this was okay :)

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