-I'm not into him, I'm into you... [Chapter 13]

Start from the beginning

As soon as we got back I went straight to my room refusing to talk to anyone, even Faye. I curled up underneath my covers as I began reading a book when 10 minutes later a knock came on the door.


An all too familiar Irish accent said quietly.

“Come in”

I said bluntly with absolutely no emotion. He opened the door and quietly shut it behind him, I put down my book and sat on the end of my bed giving him a stern look which said ‘you can’t sit there’ he sat on some cushions a sad look on his face since he now knew I was upset with him since I had forbid him from sitting next to me. He leaned against the wall staring at the ground then looking up at me.

“So tell me why you’re not talking to me”

He stated with a worried look on his face, he looked so adorable I just wanted to- You’re in a mood with him Ashley shut up.

I didn’t reply and we shared a short silence.

“What are we Niall?”

I asked confidently I stared straight at him and we held stern eye-contact.


His eyes widened.

“What are we?”

I repeated, he shifted in his position slightly.

“Do I have to put a label on us?”

He did have a good point.

“Well it’d just be nice to know”

“Is this because of what I said in the interview?”


I said, he didn’t reply just looked to the ground.

“Well if you can’t give me an answer then-“

I turned on my heel to walk out choking back tears. I was getting way too upset over this, he had promised me nothing, I deserved nothing from him, just an answer that was all I wanted. This was more my fault than his.


He said grabbing my hand pulling me back into the room.


I said slightly annoyed now.

“You can’t just walk away every time I say something you don’t like otherwise we’ll never sort things out”

I sighed waiting for him to continue. He was probably right, this was what I did when things got too much, walked away. It was the easy option out, the option I'd be taking for years and now I was opting out of that so easily just because he told me to? He has something over me, which I can't quite put my finger on.

“Just listen to me”

Sighing but at the same time refusing to let tears fill my eyes I sat back on the bed annoyed slightly but I had to force myself to be this annoyed though his worried face was just too cute.

“Are you upset because I said I was single?”

I bit my lip wondering if a lie was what was needed here, he might not want a relationship.

“Well yeah because I thought we, I don’t know, had something but I guess I was stupid…”

I said trailing off at the end realising that I probably sounded clingy and pathetic right now, ew I hated that.

“It’s not like that”

“What is it like then?”

 He thought for a moment not saying anything.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought”

I said coldly and he looked up at me hurt by my words; instant regret filled me but if he was going to give me the cold shoulder why was it so hard for me to give it back?

“I’m sorry if I don’t like to jump into things straight away, I’m sorry that I’m not Zayn”

I looked at him confused, why is he sorry that he’s not Zayn? He couldn’t think that I like Zayn like that, could he? Zayn flirts with me a lot, but he does with everyone and sometimes I flirt back I thought everyone knew we’re just joking; I didn’t come to realise that maybe Niall took it all seriously.

“You think I’m into Zayn?”

I said quieter and less confident this time. He shrugged.


He muttured looking to the floor and fiddiling with his jacket.

“Well I’m not”

I said walking over to him as his eyes lit up, I sat next to him being a lot more flirtatious than my normal self.

“I’m into you”

I whispered to him as a smile tugged at his lips.

“Well I’m into you too”

He looked into my eyes and pulled me onto his lap twirling a piece of my hair around his finger.

“Good job we got that sorted then”

I said, putting my arms around his neck and resting my head on his shoulder.

He smiled at me then moved a strand of hair from my eyes and tucked it behind one ear.

“So, will you be my girlfriend?”

He asked me.

I swear my heart skipped a beat as he stared at me waiting for my reply, I could feel his heart beating against mine and it was racing, awh he’s nervous.


I said and he smiled and kissed me softly.

“I thought you’d never ask…”

I said as we broke the kiss. He smiled.

“Me too”

He squeezed my hand giving me one final short peck.

“Let’s go and join the others before they come and find us”

I nodded in agreement and we got up and left my room walking down the hallway with his arm wrapped around my waist as we talked quietly both knowing all too well that there was bound to be somebody listening in, then was when I could of done with knowing who the person listening in on us really was.




When I wrote this I didn't realise they got together so soon I wanted them to be official like a bit later on but oh well, it was alright, right?;s

Gonna just tell you that I find it extremly hard to write without music on, just putting that out there so if any of yous have any like calm songs then yeah, you know what to do bitches.

I STILL LOVE YOU ALL FOR READING THIS SHIZ AND STUFF:'D please please comment and vote because I love reading your comments;3.


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