It got weirder, though not nearly as weird as it now fucking is. In the middle of this ghost town was a giant hole. It had to be at least 200 feet deep, and it was perfectly smooth along the sides, like a rock quarry. And it looked fresh — the ground was still dark and moist. This thing had been dug recently. It looked like an oil patch or something. But why the hell would someone drill for oil in the middle of New Hampshire?

Then I heard a scream come from the other side of the hole. And I mean, a bloody-murder-this-guy's-trying-to-rape-me scream. I booked it around the quarry and ran towards the few buildings on the other side. Now I could hear movement. It was (unintelligible) two-storey barn. I poked my head in a window and could see several men, all wearing the same traditional, Amish-like clothes and sporting long white beards. In front of them was a large wooden table. Muffled gasps came from inside, but I couldn't tell who was making them.

I needed a better view, and there were plenty of holes and footholds in the wooden wall, so I climbed up and through the second-storey window. Now I was in a loft, looking down on the men. I could see what was on the table. Saws, pliers, a variety of knives, hammers, just all sorts of tools. There was another whimper from below, and I crawled to the edge of the loft and looked down. It was — fuck, I can't even think about it — the girl. The one I'd seen in the store. She was chained to the wall, a gag in her mouth.

One of the men grabbed a knife and walked over to her. Held the fucking blade to her throat. He gently, I mean, as gently as you can do it, sliced along her skin, causing blood to spill out.

The whole room seemed to darken. The men looked at each other but remained silent. Me? I gasped, which I guess was better than fucking puking. They all heard, and next thing I know they're all looking at me. And I'm suddenly in fight-or-flight mode. If you know me, you'll know which one I chose.

I leapt off the loft and dropped right on top of one of the men. I heard his neck snap under my feet. I jumped up, grabbed a knife off the table and plunged it into the second guy's gut. It was incredibly satisfying, I swear. He goes down, and I face the third guy, who's standing between me and the girl, brandishing a knife towards me, as though it's a fair fight. I grab a hammer off the table and chuck it at him, then follow up by running up and connecting a hatchet to his face. Bloody as fuck, but it worked. (Faint laughter) And whatever happens, you have to know that I did this, okay? I took down those three guys. They didn't stand a chance.

Anyway, I get to the girl and pull the gag off of her. Tell her it's going to be okay. I'm looking around for something to do up the wound so she doesn't bleed to death, and she starts talking to me. She says "You have to get out." And her accent. Deep, deep South. She's not from nearby. So I tell her I'm getting out, and she's coming with me, while I'm trying to find a way to undo her chains. It's not working. She's shackled securely to the wall. I can't even find a keyhole for the chains.

She screams again and I turn around. The three men, the ones I fucking killed, are all getting back up. One's head is hanging to the side. Another's intestines are spilling from his stomach. The third has a fucking crevasse in his face. And they're all standing up and looking at me.

I fucking run. Straight out the barn, and into the pitch-black night. Somehow, even though it was the middle of the day when I entered the barn, it's now two in the morning or something. I can't see a thing, except for the torches. Yeah, there's torches, all around the huge pit. And then I see other lights in the area, moving around. And some start moving toward me. I veer toward the forest, but there're two torches there. I'm not sure how well they can see me in this darkness, so I stay back and dive into one of the buildings and hide in a dark corner.

And that's where I am now. I've been crouched down here for nearly an hour. I can hear things outside — movement, screaming, other sounds that I just can't place. Something's going on soon, which means I have to move. I have to get that girl. Fuck it if the odds are against me. I have to help her. But if I don't make it, the world needs to know about this. So I'm setting a timer on this recorder. After a minute it will shut off and if anyone finds this phone, they'll find what I've said. God, I hope someone finds it.

(Low hum in the distance) Okay, something's up now. They're all chanting something. I'm going for them. Wish me–(Loud rumbling) what the fuck was that? The ground is shaking like a fucking earthquake. God, the hell is going on? The fuck is going on?

(Creaking door) I'm outside now. They're dragging the girl to the pit. I can see something dripping off of her. I'm going — Oh Jesus Christ! They've lit her on fire! Please, if you are listening to this, these people have just lit a little girl on fire! Who the fuck are–(Incredibly loud rumbling. An explosion. The voice drops down to a whimper) Holy shit. There is something rising out of the pit. It's... it's huge. It–

(A hard whack, followed by a gasp. Loud clicks as the phone hits the ground)

(Distant, but loud) No, please, let me go. I won't tell them anything. (A loud, screeching roar) Holy fucking shit. Oh my fucking God. What is that? Oh my God what is that? It's like a giant — it has the girl! If you can still hear me, it grabbed the whole girl in its hand! What is it doing... Oh Jesus. Please, let me go! Brendan, please, if you can hear this, I'm sorry. I swear, I love y–

(Another screeching roar and loud rumbling. Like an earthquake but louder. A terrified scream. Then silence)

(Rustling against the microphone. A low, raspy voice) You have been warned.

(Recording ends)

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