Fuck. Okay, she looks at me. And she doesn't say anything, but her mouth is moving. Two words. Help me. Help me. Over and over, she's mouthing it to me. And the older guy, I'm thinking it's her dad maybe? He grabs her and they leave. I shrug it off, you know, she's probably just a girl who doesn't wanna go to church. I mean, who does? But I put my stuff on the counter and suddenly I realize where I've seen the girl. God help me if I can remember her name, but I saw her on the news. She'd been missing for weeks or months or something. It looked exactly like her.

I ask the owner if he knows who they were. He says no. Never seen them before. So now I'm wondering if what I really saw was her. I have to be sure before I call the cops or something, right? I leave the store and look for them. They're nowhere to be seen. So I finish my Coke, toss it on the ground and take off down the main road on my bike, trying to see where this girl might have gone. I don't see them, until I reach the end of the town and hit a ridiculously dusty road. It's a straight path, and a few miles down I can see this car just booking it away. Now I'm fucking suspicious. I've got nothing better to do, so I rev my bike and chase after him.

The guy must (Sudden inhaling. In the distance, a low rumbling sound. No words for about thirty seconds). Holy hell. Oh God, please keep listening to this. The ground just shook. Like a serious tremor. I'm not sure how much longer I have.

Okay, right. The car. It's out of sight in minutes. I'm going close to 70, so he must have just been blasting it. It didn't matter. This was a dirt road in the middle of fucking nowhere. There weren't a lot of places he could go. So I kept following him. Must have driven for half an hour, occasionally catching glimpses of his dust as I went over a hill. As I sped along, the trees slowly grew bigger and more imposing, until they covered the road entirely with their leaves. At this point, I lost sight of him entirely. Hell, with the trees blocking out the sun, I lost sight of the road entirely. I turned a corner at full speed and suddenly there wasn't any road anymore.

(Harsh cough) Yeah, fuck me, right? I'd hit a steep hill at way too high a speed, causing my bike to fly for a second and then hit the dirt and lose all control. I tried the breaks, but either they didn't work or were helpless against the gravel. I skidded down the hill, holding onto my handlebars for my dear life and trying not to wipe out. I made it about three quarters of the way before the front wheel hit a bump and I flipped right off, tumbling down the rest of the slope. After ten seconds of sheer terror, wondering if my face was about to meet a jagged rock, I came to a stop, as my bike turned sideways, caught traction again and shot off into the trees. It took a good two minutes before the world stopped spinning and I realized I was still in one piece. I stood up on wobbly legs and gained my bearings.

My leather jacket was torn up, but it'd saved my skin. I took off what threads remained and tossed it aside. I was at the bottom of a steep hill, miles away from the town, and I'd just lost my transportation. My phone, of course, had no connection, since I was surrounded by mountains. And while I now wish to God that I had turned around, walked up the hill and made the day-long trip back to the general store, no, I decided to keep heading down the road and see where it would lead. I mean, the man and the girl had to end up somewhere, right? I could find a phone, call for help, and get the fuck out.

So, in my torn-up jeans and flimsy muscle shirt, I headed

(There is a page missing here)

place was deserted. Every one of the old-fashioned, white-shingled buildings was empty. I walked down the main road, looking for any sign of activity. Nothing. I mean, I was half-expecting to see a tumbleweed blow by me. There were also none of those electric or telephone wires and no streetlights along this makeshift road, so I got the feeling that this place wasn't going to provide me with my ticket home.

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