
"Come join me on this bed." I smile, pulling one arm out from under me and motioning for him to come over. He smiles and crawls onto bed, snuggling up beside me.

"What?" He asks, looking up at me with his big blue eyes. I lean down and kiss his forehead, leaving my lips pressed gently up against his forehead. He snuggles up closer to me, putting his hand on my chest. I take my lips off of him and place my forehead up against his.

"I'm so glad you're here, Theo. Don't ever leave." I say, closing my eyes.

"You know I wouldn't unless I have to. Which will probably never happen." He says, taking off his glasses and pressing his nose against mine. He puts his leg on me, wrapping it around my waist as his hand on my chest grips my shirt gently.

"I want you all to myself." I mumble, caressing his cheek softly with my thumb. "I don't ever want you to be with anybody else."

"Don't talk like that, Calum. You know I don't like anyone else." He leans back and he rests his head on my chest, his finger tracing in circles on my chest.

"Yeah but I mean I'm just disappointed that I wasn't your first. I wish I could've been. If only....if only I would've found you sooner." I glance down at him and I see his eyes closed.

"I'm still a virgin. Well, I don't know if that's still be counted by what we did last night but I've never really....done that with anyone else." He shrugs, opening his eyes again.

"Wait a minute. You're a virgin?"

He blinks. "Yeah. You didn't know that?" He looks up at me, small smile playing on his lips.

"No. I thought maybe you've done it at least once with one of your other boyfriends." I shake my head, shrugging as I pretend I don't care. "But I only wanted to wait because I wanted it to be romantic and to be everything you've ever wanted. Because I want this relationship to last till my last breath and I didn't want our first time just to be on one of my stupid horny impulses."

His eyes go from happy to sad in a second, his lips turning into a frown. "Calum, either way I'd love it. And I'm not saying that...to make you feel better but in all honesty, I don't care if it's 'romantic' where there are candles and rose petals. We'd have more time to work on it if you say you want this relationship to last." He leans up, sitting up and crossing his legs, putting back on his glasses.

"But all good relationships usually start off with that kind of thing. I just want it to be perfect. I want you to remember it forever and know that you loved every minute." I sit up, putting my hand on his knee. He nods his head but I can still see in his eyes that he doesn't understand. I'm usually not the one to be this emotional towards something like this but when it comes to him...I'm a whole different person. Even now he still has a big impact on everything I do. I don't drink anymore and I don't party or have flirty conversations with any other girl.

"I don't need perfect. Hell I don't even need 'okay'. I just need....you." He puts his hands on my cheeks, cupping my face. He brings me close and he kisses the tip of my nose softly.

My heart starts beating faster and I close my eyes, snuggling into his hands. "You're so fucking cheesy." I chuckle. He hits me on the back of my head and I smile.

"You're so freaking stupid." He laughs. I take his hands away from my face and I wrap my arms around him, pushing him back on the bed softly, trying not to crush him.

I rest my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. He tangles his fingers in my hair, sighing. His chest moves up and down slowly as he breathes.

"Maybe during our honeymoon after you propose. Then we both spend the rest of our time together and then it all fades away as we're still together by heart and love.....remembering the very first moment we actually locked eyes. And the very first moment we locked hearts."

I listened to him as he went on but I couldn't help but find it a little cheesy. He sighs and I yawn.

"And only now I've realized that all that could be ruined by anything. Hell, for all I know I could go out from those heart problems that run through the family. Took my grandma and my cousins. Why not me?"

I frown at his words. "Don't say that, Theo. That's not gonna happen."

"Do you think about that kind of thing, though? Getting our own house and getting engaged and what not?" He asks, voice softer than usual.

"Yeah. Do you?" I close my eyes, focusing on only his heartbeat as I wait for his response.

"All the time." He chuckles softly. I knew as soon as his voice started to crack that he was about to cry. I hate it when he cries. Because when he does it makes me want to. And when I feel like I'm about to cry, I get mad.

I look up at him, biting hard on my lip so I don't say anything stupid like 'Are you okay?' or 'Don't cry!'

"Hold up, go back. Who says I'm proposing?" I narrow my eyes, pinching his cheek. He sits up on his elbows, looking at me with an 'Are you serious?' face.

"Is that what you've been thinking this whole time I was talking? Are you serious?" I knew it.

"No. I've also been thinking about how you sound like such a girl. What next? Planning our wedding and naming our kids?" I give him a teasing smile and his nostrils flare and his eyes narrow.

"Get the out of here before I kick your ass out." All signs of sadness and crying are gone and I know that I've accomplished my goal of distracting him. But in the process I end up making him mad at me.

He shoves me off of him and he tries to get up but I pin him back down. "I'm kidding baby! Of course I'm not serious. I do think about things like that. And now that you've said it, I won't ever stop thinking about it. I just didn't want you to start crying."

He stops to listen to me and he shrugs, puckering his lips to hold back a smile. "You're lucky you're hot." He laughs and I laugh with him, kissing his cheek and then resting my head back on his chest. I try not to crush him under my weight, holding most of my weight off of him with my arms.

"I know right. I get that a lot." I sigh and I close my eyes again, his fingers coaxing my scalp softly as he yawns.

"I bet. It's the only good thing about you." I hit him playfully and he giggles, kissing the top of my head. "I'm just kidding, love. You're hot AND you're strong. There, I named two."

"Shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep." I smile, squeezing him.

"Ey!" He says, slapping the back of my head. "Don't fucking cuss at me. Cussing is bad and if you cuss I'll slap you."

I sit up quickly and narrow my eyes at him, tilting my head to the side. "The fuck?" He slaps me playfully.

"What did I just say?" He loses his cool and he starts laughing.

"Sorry sorry. Let me take that back." I smile. "The duck is wrong with you?" He busts out laughing, tossing his head back, making his Adam apple jut out. I laugh with him, watching him the whole time. "Hey Theo, what did you mean by heart problems?" I ask when we both calm down.

"Well, there's this problem that runs through my family on my mom's side. My grandma died from it and some of my cousins died from it. My aunt has little problems now and then but nothing too extreme. My mom didn't show any problems so I'm hoping it skipped me and Mia. But who knows?" He shrugs, his fingers finding their way back to my hair.

I rest my head back on his chest and hum. "I've never had anything like that. Like, any hereditary things. I do look just like my grandpa when he was young but I'm sure that's different." I shrug and close my eyes, his heartbeat making me sleepy.

"Yeah. But anyways, I don't have any problems so I'm fine." He says, yawning. I nod my head and I start feeling sleepier and sleepier. His fingers start massaging my scalp again and then I end up falling asleep.


My Roommate, The Fukboi (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now