Chapter 25 - The Battle Begins.

Start from the beginning

"He looks so perfect." Blaise said with a dreamy smile as he looked at his mate.

Everyone giggled which made Blaise blush deeply. "Our mate's usually look perfect no matter what they are doing." Raphael said with a wink to Charlie, who blushed deeply.

There was a loud crack and they all looked out of the window, Percy was on his hands and knee's and breathing deeply as it had taken a lot of magic for him to be able to take down the wards. The final ward had been broken.

"Guess its time for us to move out." Raphael said, he kissed Charlie and they both send love through the bond they shared with their twin's.

Tom led them and after checking that their mask's were in place they followed the man out of the Room.

"The student's who don't want to fight would have gone to their dorm's so they are to be unharmed, all of those wishing to fight would have gone to the Great Hall. We need to get them out into the field's as there is still a risk to those within the castle who do not want to fight." Tom explained. If a spell was to his a certain part within the castle then the whole thing could come down, and that is something they didn't wish to do.

"Let's move then." Raphael said with a smirk before he ran to the Great Hall.

They pushed open the door to the large room and found the Order with quite a few student's around him, the Slytherin's had all joined Dumbledore's side but that was about to change.

"Well Tom, its been awhile since you were in these halls." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"It has and I must say she has not changed since I was last here." Tom said, he smirked when he saw the shock on Dumbledore's face.

"What are you doing here Tom?" Dumbledore asked once he was over his shock.

"A couple of thing's actually. I want to make this world a better place and you are in my way, I want people to know the truth and I want you gone." Tom said counting them off on his fingers.

"How are you going to do that? By my count you do not have enough people, including those outside, to take all of us down." Hermione said with a smug look.

"Count again." Raphael said. The Slytherin's and allies from the other houses all left Dumbledore's side and walked over to where Tom was standing.

"Want to do a recount girl?" Tom asked with a smirk, Hermione blushed and shrank back into her place.

"I can't believe that you used Imperio on so many people Tom." Dumbledore said, if he convinced all of these people they were under a spell then he could test them, he could then place his own spell on them and he would win.

"Sorry to disappoint you old man we aren't under any spells, we are able to throw all of those spell's of us and potions have no effect on us." Charlie said, everyone could hear the smirk in his voice.

"No one would willingly fight with that monster!" Ron yelled.

"Well we did, we were all once with the light but you betrayed us and only wanted us because of who we were. The dark did none of that and they want us because of us, we belong here." Cedric said.

"You are going to..." Fred began.

"...Lose this war." George finished.

Even with these clues the idiot's were still unable to guess who they were under the masks and cloaks.

"Attack them!" Dumbledore yelled.

"Retreat to the field!" Tom yelled, his troops all smirked and ran through the door's. Those in the back of the group had up shields so that no spell would be able to hit them as they ran.

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