Mini x Tyler's sister

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"Oh come on Craig you know that he isn't gonna stop." I mumbled to Craig as his face grew redder by the second.
All Tyler could do was laugh from his place a few feet away from us, Kelly by his side.
"What's a matter Craig?" Tyler asked, pulled Kelly closer to his chest.
"You and your unbelievably good corn hole skills." He said as he threw his corn bag across the way.
I watched as it hit the board before bouncing off and hitting the ground.
Tyler erupted in laughter and Kelly had a small smile on her face, "Hell I'm pretty sure Scotty and Chrissy would be better at corn hole then you two."
"I'll have you know Tyler that I can get the bag in." I said, Craig's anger rubbing off of me.
I though the bag and hit Tyler where the sun don't shine.
Craig anger turned into a little laugh as Tyler instantly doubled over.
"Why'd you do that?" Kelly asked, her smile still on her face. She was no doubt laughing at her boyfriend.
"Whoops. I'm just that bad of an aim." I said causing Tyler to look up at me.
I smiled as I set my last bag down on my board before dusting invisible dust off my pants.
"You done playing or something?" Tyler asked, sitting his own bag.
Kelly and Craig followed before I spoke, "Yea I'm done losin big bro."
"You know you didn't have to hit me." He said, walking over to me before pulling me into a hug.
I hugged him back lightly before ducking out of his grasp as I felt him ruffle my hair.
I ran up to the porch and hide behind Kino, not wantin Tyler to mess my hair up.
I flipped Tyler off cause Craig, Kelly, Scotty, and Chrissy to all laugh.
"Hey (name) will you come over here?" I heard Craig asked.
I looked up from my spot to see Craig standing a little bit away from the corn hole boards, a box in his hand.
"Yea." I said, giving kino one last pat before walking over to him.
Craig handed me the box before motioning for me to open it.
I felt everyone's eyes on me as I flipped open the box lid to see a small ring, a set of keys, a phone case, and a picture frame that had mine and his picture in it.
I looked up at him confused before looking back down at the box.
I picked up the ring out of it and slipped it on my finger. It was a promise ring.
"You getting married (name)?" Tyler asked, stepping up behind me.
"No it's a promise ring." I said before picking up the keys out of the box.
I flipped them over to see that thy were car keys.
I looked up at Craig shocked to see that he had a smile on his face, "Tyler told me that you always wanted a (car name) here. So, I got you one."
My smile grew wide as I set the box down and practically jumped onto Craig.
He steadied himself before putting his arms on my things to hold me up, "I love you (name)."
"I love you too Craig." I said before kissing him passionately on the lips.
"Okay you two pull apart before I have to kill Craig for kissing my sister." Tyler spoke causing us to pull away.
I hopped off of Craig before turning to Tyler and sprinting toward him.
Before he even knew what was happening, I jumped up and ruffled his hair.
A second later, I was off again.
Tyler, who I know had a smile on his face, ran after me.
"You two are such kids!" Kelly yelled before laughing as Tyler picked me up and messed up my hair.
I looked on at Craig, who's smile had never left his face.
"Pay back." Tyler said before letting go of me.
I flipped Tyler off again before noticing that Kino was walking toward us.
I set down in the grass and kino laid his head in my lap.
Soon enough Craig come and set beside me.
I held his hand as I watched Tyler, Kelly, Scotty, and Chrissy play corn hole.
A smile never leaving my face.

Word count: 720

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